How can I construct a Template String from a regular string? [duplicate]

强颜欢笑 提交于 2019-11-26 06:43:46


This question already has an answer here:

  • Convert a string to a template string 17 answers

So I have this string:

var name = \"Chaim\";
var templateStr = \"Hello, my name is ${name}\";

How can I convert it into a template-string so that the result would be equal to:

var template = `Hello, my name is ${name}`;

Is there a way to programmatically construct a Template literal?


Is there a way to programmatically construct a Template literal?

No. "programmatically" and "literal" are antithetic (except you are in the realms of compilers).

Template strings should better have been named interpolated string literals or so. Please do not confuse them with templates. If you want to use dynamically created strings for templates, use a template engine of your choice.

Of course template literals might help with the implementation of such, and you might get away with something simple as

function assemble(literal, params) {
    return new Function(params, "return `"+literal+"`;"); // TODO: Proper escaping
//             ^^^^^^^^ working in real ES6 environments only, of course
var template = assemble("Hello, my name is ${name}", "name");
template("Chaim"); // Hello, my name is Chaim

