
Polyfill for javascript template strings

好久不见. 提交于 2021-01-20 04:57:28
问题 Are there any polyfills for javascript template strings that use a backtick? I'm referring to code that looks like this: var textTemplate = ` <h1>My Template String</h1> <p>Some more stuf here...</p> `; I do not wish to use a transpiler such as babel or any other tools that require a build step. Additionally, javascript template engines that place the template inside of a separate script tag are not ideal for me either. I'd really just like to be able to use template strings alongside

Polyfill for javascript template strings

荒凉一梦 提交于 2021-01-20 04:57:10
问题 Are there any polyfills for javascript template strings that use a backtick? I'm referring to code that looks like this: var textTemplate = ` <h1>My Template String</h1> <p>Some more stuf here...</p> `; I do not wish to use a transpiler such as babel or any other tools that require a build step. Additionally, javascript template engines that place the template inside of a separate script tag are not ideal for me either. I'd really just like to be able to use template strings alongside

ES6 tagged templates practical usability

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-28 03:04:10
问题 I understand the syntax of ES6 tagged templates. What I don't see is the practical usability. When is it better than passing an object parameter, like the settings in jQuery's AJAX? $.ajax('url', { /*this guy here*/ }) Right now I only see the tricky syntax but I don't see why I would need/use it. I also found that the TypeScript team chose to implement it (in 1.5) before other important features. What is the concept behind tagged string templates? 回答1: You can use tagged templates to build

How do ES6 tagged template functions interpret their argument order?

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2019-12-24 04:14:09
问题 Consider the following code: function f() { console.log(Array.from(arguments)); } var x = 2; var y = 3; f`before ${x} ${y} after`; The arguments for f would be (according to Traceur): ["before ", " ", " after"], 2, 3 Let's say I want to concatenate all literal strings with substitution values. How do I do that in the correct order? Do I need to match 'split points' in the first array with each argument after first? 回答1: According to the wiki for the Draft ECMAScript 6 Specification, it is

How to nest template strings in ES6?

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-19 05:15:07
问题 I got an prefer-template error from eslint. For the workaround, I changed my code to use a template string inside the require function which is nested inside the url function as following: { background: `url(${require(`../../assets/${edge.node.name.toLowerCase()}.png` center no-repeat`)}) } However, that gave an error, obviously. Here is the code I was using before, a plus sign concatenating inside the require function instead of the template string. { background: `url(${require('../../assets

Is it possible to have a comment inside a es6 Template-String?

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-12-18 14:50:14
问题 Let's say we have a multiline es6 Template-String to describe e.g. some URL params for a request: const fields = ` id, message, created_time, permalink_url, type `; Is there any way to have comments inside that backtick Template-String? Like: const fields = ` // post id id, // post status/message message, // ..... created_time, permalink_url, type `; 回答1: No. That syntax is valid, but will just return a string containing \n// post id\nid , rather than removing the comments and creating a

Convert a string to a template string

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-16 20:00:29
问题 Is it possible to create a template string as a usual string let a="b:${b}"; an then convert it into a template string let b=10; console.log(a.template());//b:10 without eval , new Function and other means of dynamic code generation? 回答1: As your template string must get reference to the b variable dynamicly (in runtime), so the answer is: NO, it impossible to do without dynamic code generation. But with eval it's pretty simple: let tpl = eval('`'+a+'`'); 回答2: In my project I've created

Performance difference between a regular string and template string?

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-11 04:03:38
问题 I am now using ESLint prefer-template to force myself use template strings instead of string concatenation. This made me think whether there is ever a need to use regular string over the template string format, e.g. console.log('Why use this? It requires me to escape different quotes depending on the context. In this case \'.'); console.log(`When I can use this. It allows me to use all types of quotes (e.g. ', ") without ever worrying about escaping them.`); I realise that JSPerf is not ideal

Can I use Template String on object key in ES6? [duplicate]

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-11 02:24:58
问题 This question already has an answer here : Template String As Object Property Name (1 answer) Closed last year . Can I create an object passing the key value as template string? const key = 'my-key', value = 'my-value' const obj = { `${key}`: value } Is there an alternative to do this? 回答1: You have to use computed property syntax: const key = 'my-key', value = 'my-value' const obj = { [`${key}`]: value } Note that if you just want to use a variable as key, you can write [key]: value . 来源:

Prevent line breaks in ES6 template string

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-10 23:50:19
问题 ESLint: Line 403 exceeds the maximum line length of 120 (max-len) I have a long string, which I built using ES6 template strings, but I want it to be without line breaks: var string = `Let me be the 'throws Exception’ to your 'public static void main (String[] args)’. I will accept whatever you give me my ${love}.` console.log(string); Result: Let me be the 'throws Exception’ to your 'public static void main (String[] args)’. I will accept whatever you give me xxx. My expectation: Let me be