
情到浓时终转凉″ 提交于 2019-11-28 10:14:29


一、project 1



A. Design
In this experiment, I construct a program to read a regular a ipv4 address and check it if it is a correct one. Specially, we regard those ipv4 address which consist of four number between and 255 and separated by three dots as correct addresses.
So I just read characters into a buffer until meeting a dot, then transform them to corresponding integers and check it if in the range of 0 to 255. If so, go and check the next integer. Otherwise, it’s not a correct ipv4 address. When reading the ‘\0’ means it has been the end of this string, if now exactly 4 integers and 3 dots have been checked, then we say this string is a correct ipv4 address. Otherwise, it’s not.



// The item of Transition Function List.
typedef struct func{
    int this_q;
    int next_q;
    struct func *next_func;
} func;

//  NFA container.
struct {
    int Q;          //  States.
    char *Alphabet; //  Accepted characters.
    int q0;         //  Start state.
    func **Func;    //  Transition functions.
    int *F;         //  End states.
    int Alphabet_size;
    int F_size;
} n;


A. Design
In this experiment, I construct a program to read a regular expression from file and then use it to construct a NFA. Specially, I was programming with C for higher performance.
In this program, I use a C structure to store the NFA. The NFA structure consists of five main parts which represent “states set”, “alphabet”, “start state”, “transition functions” and “end states”. In which transition functions are also be designed as a special data structure. What’s more, I also declare a structure to store the context of this program, it contains some information about where the ‘(‘ or ‘|’ starts, and about back to which position when meeting ‘’ and ‘)’. For more details, you can check it in my code and annotations.
Mainly using above two structures, I use a function named as “go” to read one character every time and determine the next step:
1) If it’s a letter in alphabet, then add a transition edge to the NFA.
2) If it’s a left bracket or ‘|’, then store this position and recursively call the “go” function.
3) If it’s a ‘
’ then add an edge to its start position stored in context structure.
4) If it’s a right bracket then return back to the function that calling it.
After constructing a NFA, I also write a function which can use this NFA to recognize a language that accepted by this NFA. It just follows the states transition regulations of this NFA. And it is also a recursive function.


//  Context of NFA.
typedef struct {
    int bracket_depth;  //  The number of pairs of brackets.
    int *end_now;       //  The end states by now.
    int or_start;       //  Back to here when meeting operation "or(|)".
    int star_start;     //  ...... operation "star(*)".
    int end_num;        //  The number of end states by now.
} context_;

二、project 2


typedef struct function {
    char now;
    char new;
    int move;
    int q;
} function;

typedef struct {
    int Q;
    int q1;
    int reject;
    int accept;
    char *inputAlphabet;
    char *tapeAlphabet;
    function **transition;
    int i_num;
    int t_num;
    int *func_num;
} TM;



