NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification and Today Extensions

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-11-28 07:36:40

From doc here:

Cocoa includes two types of notification centers: The NSNotificationCenter class manages notifications within a single process. The NSDistributedNotificationCenter class manages notifications across multiple processes on a single computer.

Apparently the containing app and today extension are different processes, since when you debug today extension you want to attach containing app process, but NSNotificationCenter only work within a single process.

In order to communicate between containing app and extensions, you can use Darwin Notify Center CFNotificationCenterthat works like NSDistributedNotificationCenter, which is only available for osx.

The idea is use a file inside the group folder that they share. in containing app, you write the data you want to send into the file, then post a CFNotification, which will be received by today extension.

In today extension, use CFNotificationCenterAddObserver to observer the CFNotification, upon receiving it, callback will be called, in which a NSNotification has to be posted due to callback is a C style function and "userInfo" cannot be passed in the CFNotification, after receiving this NSNotification object, it starts to read data from the file, which is used to update the today extension view in Notification center.

You can use this github code to implement force loading the today extension view. It works for me.
Here is a great post on this. http://www.atomicbird.com/blog/sharing-with-app-extensions

Another option is to use setHasContent function. When you schedule a local identifier, set has content to false to hide the view, in handleActionWithIdentifier set it to true to show the view. This way, when you stay in notification center, you will not see the view for a moment, but when you see it, it will be the updated data.

let widgetController = NCWidgetController.widgetController()
widgetController.setHasContent(false, forWidgetWithBundleIdentifier: "YourTodayWidgetBundleIdentifier") 

But I think the whole problem is a rare case, which doesn't need to be fixed since you can get the updated data reloading the notification center or switch to notification tab and switch back to today tab.
