Converting LaTeX tables into R dataframes/matrices

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2021-02-19 06:27:05


The process of converting R outputs into LaTeX is well documented. However, the opposite not so much. The problem: I have a long LaTeX file and would like to import the tables it into R (say, convert them as data frames).

Question: is there an elegant/efficient way of doing this task without having to do it manually?

Note that there are percent signs (%) commenting the rows in the tables.

For example,


\title{Processing \LaTeX{} tables with R}
Here is the first table

\caption{Some data}
c1 & c2\\\hline
a & b \\% comments   
c & \cite{mypaper} \\% # more comments 

and the second:

\caption{More data}
1 & 2   \\% mycomment:"first row"
3 & 4   \\


Desired output in R:

## Table 1
c1 c2
a  b
c  cite{mypaper}

## Table 2
1    2
3    4

