How to convert an already-uploaded Excel file to Google's spreadsheet format?

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2021-02-18 16:42:25


I need to convert Excel files already uploaded to Google Drive into Google's spreadsheet format. What is the best way to do that programmatically?

I've found this post (#15), but I can't figure out how to use this code. And it seems intended for Excel files not already stored on Drive. Uploading it again would be redundant.


Unfortunately you cannot convert a file in-place, and you'll need to re-upload it. Here's a sample showing how to use an XLSX file already in your drive:

function convert(xlsxFileId) { 
  var xlsxBlob = DriveApp.getFileById(xlsxFileId).getBlob();
  var file = {
    title: 'Converted Spreadsheet'
  file = Drive.Files.insert(file, xlsxBlob, {
    convert: true


For those that stumble upon this: This is possible in both Drive API v2 & v3. Python example:

API v2:

drive_service_v2.files().copy(body=body, fileId="0n3xrtmjFpuG3V1g3h24tVHM2a33", convert="true").execute()

API v3:

new_mime_type = "application/"
file_id_of_Excel_file = "0n3xrtmjFpuG3V1g3h24tVHM2a33"
body = {'name': 'New File Name', 'mimeType': new_mime_type}        
drive_service.files().copy(body=body, fileId=file_id_of_Excel_file).execute()


In Google Driver V3 API, just need to set MimeType.

File file = new File();

file.MimeType = "application/"

