Let's say I have a list like this:
time type value
80 1A 10
100 1A 20
60 18 56
80 18 7
80 2A 10
100 2A 10
80 28 10
100 28 20
and I need to change it to be like this:
type 60 80 100
1A 10 20
1B 56 7
2A 10 10
2B 10 20
So far what I did is just basic sorting of the column:
target_column = 0
book = open_workbook('result.xls')
sheet = book.sheets()[0]
data = [sheet.row_values(i) for i in range(sheet.nrows)]
labels = data[0]
data = data[1:]
data.sort(key= lambda x: x[target_column])
bk = xlwt.Workbook()
sheet = bk.add_sheet(sheet.name)
for idx, label in enumerate(labels):
sheet.write(0, idx, label)
for idx_r, row in enumerate(data):
for idx_c, value in enumerate(row):
sheet.write(idx_r+1, idx_c, value)
How can I it with Python?
You can use pandas.DataFrame.pivot() to do that like:
df.pivot(index='type', columns='time', values='value')
Test Code:
df = pd.read_fwf(StringIO(u"""
time type value
80 1A 10
100 1A 20
60 18 56
80 18 7
80 2A 10
100 2A 10
80 28 10
100 28 20"""), header=1)
print(df.pivot(index='type', columns='time', values='value'))
time type value
0 80 1A 10
1 100 1A 20
2 60 18 56
3 80 18 7
4 80 2A 10
5 100 2A 10
6 80 28 10
7 100 28 20
time 60 80 100
18 56.0 7.0 NaN
1A NaN 10.0 20.0
28 NaN 10.0 20.0
2A NaN 10.0 10.0
This is just a educational. Right answer is Pandas way by @Stephen Rauch
from xlrd import open_workbook
from openpyxl import Workbook
book = open_workbook('pivot.xls')
sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0)
pivot = {}
for row_index in range(1, sheet.nrows):
time = sheet.cell(row_index, 0).value
type = sheet.cell(row_index, 1).value
value = sheet.cell(row_index, 2).value
if type not in pivot:
pivot[type] = {}
pivot[type][time] = value
pivot[type][time] = value
wb = Workbook()
ws1 = wb.active
ws1.append(("", "time"))
ws1.append(("type", "60", "80", "100"))
for type, value in pivot.items():
ws1.append((type, value.get(60, None), value.get(80, None), value.get(100, None)))
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_excel('pivot.xls')
df_pivot = df.pivot(index='type', columns='time', values='value')