VBA Excel - How to display non equal values in an excel array

折月煮酒 提交于 2021-02-16 15:31:13


So currently I have two DATA inputs in excel Data 1 and Data 2 I need a formula or some sort to display results *currently this is a manual process.


Approach using Filter() function

Function test(ByVal a, ByVal b, Optional Delim$ = ",") As String
'Purpose: return non unique values by comparing two comma separated string lists a vs. b
a = Split(a, Delim): b = Split(b, Delim)
Dim elem
For Each elem In b
    a = Filter(a, elem, False)  ' Include:=False, i.e. exclude non uniques
Next elem
test = Join(a, Delim & " ")
End Function

Argument a: 668,669,777,778,779,780,781,782,891,893,894,895

Argument b: 668,777,779,778,780,892,891,782

Result string 669, 781, 893, 894, 895

BTW the result shouldn't include 782 (c.f. OP) as this isn't a unique item.


The above approach assumes three figure numbers only. As basically the Filter function executes a partial string search this would lead to unwanted results if you would be searching for e.g. 7 thus excluding any number containing 7, as well. ~~> See revised code

Revised code

Allows only full string matches:

Variant a) 2nd list contains doublettes, but is only a sub set of 1st list

Function test(ByVal a, ByVal b, Optional Delim$ = ",") As String
'Purpose: return non unique values by comparing two comma separated string lists a vs. b
a = "$" & Replace(a, Delim, "$" & Delim & "$") & "$"
a = Split(a, Delim): b = Split(b, Delim)
Dim elem
For Each elem In b
    a = Filter(a, "$" & elem & "$", False)  ' Include:=False, i.e. exclude non uniques
Next elem
test = Replace(Join(a, Delim & " "), "$", vbNullString)
End Function

Variant b) 2nd list contains also new numbers diferring from 1st list

This might be the waterproof solution to your question (results corresponding to @RonRosenfeld 's fine solution).

Function test(ByVal a, ByVal b, Optional Delim$ = ",", Optional ByVal cnt% = 1) As String
'Purpose: return non unique values by comparing two comma separated string lists a vs. b
If cnt = 1 Then               ' recursive call to check 2nd string against 1st one
    test = test(b, a, Delim, 2)
    If Len(test) > 1 Then test = Mid(test, 1, Len(test) - 1)
End If
a = "$" & Replace(a, Delim, "$" & Delim & "$") & "$"
a = Split(a, Delim): b = Split(b, Delim)
Dim elem
For Each elem In b
    a = Filter(a, "$" & elem & "$", False)  ' Include:=False, i.e. exclude non uniques
Next elem
test = Replace(Join(a, Delim), "$", vbNullString) & Delim & test
If cnt = 0 Then test = Replace(test, Delim, Delim & " ")  ' add blank after delimiters
End Function


If you are using Excel 2016 or Office 365 with the TEXTJOIN function, you can do this with an array formula

=TEXTJOIN(", ",,FILTERXML("<t><s>" & SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(TEXTJOIN(",",TRUE,Data_1,Data_2)," ",""),",","</s><s>") & "</s></t>","//s[not( .=preceding::*) and not(.=following::*)]"))

Since this is an array formula, you need to "confirm" it by holding down ctrl + shift while hitting enter. If you do this correctly, Excel will place braces {...} around the formula as observed in the formula bar

  • TEXTJOIN the strings using the comma delimiter
    • If there are only two or three strings, you could use a simple concatenation and avoid the TEXTJOIN function, but you'd still need Excel 2013+ to have the FILTERXML function
  • Remove the spaces. If all delimiters are <comma><space> we could simplify the formula a bit.
  • Create an XML using the <comma> to define the nodes.
  • the xPath says to return all nodes that are not followed by or preceded by it's duplicate.
  • TEXTJOIN the resultant array


Function TEST(aString As String, aString2 As String, Optional Delimiter As String = ",") As String
    array1 = Split(aString, Delimiter)
    array2 = Split(aString2, Delimiter)

    Dim i 'As Integer
    Dim j 'As Integer
    Dim isFound 'As Boolean
    Dim output

    For i = 0 To UBound(array1)
        isFound = False
        For j = 0 To UBound(array2) - 1
            If array1(i) = array2(j) Then
                isFound = True
            End If
        Next 'j
        If Not isFound Then
            output = output + array1(i) & ", "
        End If
    Next 'i

    TEST = output
End Function

