So currently I have two DATA inputs in excel Data 1 and Data 2 I need a formula or some sort to display results *currently this is a manual process.
Approach using Filter()
Function test(ByVal a, ByVal b, Optional Delim$ = ",") As String
'Purpose: return non unique values by comparing two comma separated string lists a vs. b
a = Split(a, Delim): b = Split(b, Delim)
Dim elem
For Each elem In b
a = Filter(a, elem, False) ' Include:=False, i.e. exclude non uniques
Next elem
test = Join(a, Delim & " ")
End Function
Argument a: 668,669,777,778,779,780,781,782,891,893,894,895
Argument b: 668,777,779,778,780,892,891,782
Result string 669, 781, 893, 894, 895
BTW the result shouldn't include 782 (c.f. OP) as this isn't a unique item.
The above approach assumes three figure numbers only. As basically the Filter
function executes a partial string search this would lead to unwanted results if you would be searching for e.g. 7
thus excluding any number containing 7
, as well. ~~> See revised code
Revised code
Allows only full string matches:
Variant a) 2nd list contains doublettes, but is only a sub set of 1st list
Function test(ByVal a, ByVal b, Optional Delim$ = ",") As String
'Purpose: return non unique values by comparing two comma separated string lists a vs. b
a = "$" & Replace(a, Delim, "$" & Delim & "$") & "$"
a = Split(a, Delim): b = Split(b, Delim)
Dim elem
For Each elem In b
a = Filter(a, "$" & elem & "$", False) ' Include:=False, i.e. exclude non uniques
Next elem
test = Replace(Join(a, Delim & " "), "$", vbNullString)
End Function
Variant b) 2nd list contains also new numbers diferring from 1st list
This might be the waterproof solution to your question (results corresponding to @RonRosenfeld 's fine solution).
Function test(ByVal a, ByVal b, Optional Delim$ = ",", Optional ByVal cnt% = 1) As String
'Purpose: return non unique values by comparing two comma separated string lists a vs. b
If cnt = 1 Then ' recursive call to check 2nd string against 1st one
test = test(b, a, Delim, 2)
If Len(test) > 1 Then test = Mid(test, 1, Len(test) - 1)
End If
a = "$" & Replace(a, Delim, "$" & Delim & "$") & "$"
a = Split(a, Delim): b = Split(b, Delim)
Dim elem
For Each elem In b
a = Filter(a, "$" & elem & "$", False) ' Include:=False, i.e. exclude non uniques
Next elem
test = Replace(Join(a, Delim), "$", vbNullString) & Delim & test
If cnt = 0 Then test = Replace(test, Delim, Delim & " ") ' add blank after delimiters
End Function
If you are using Excel 2016 or Office 365 with the TEXTJOIN
function, you can do this with an array formula
=TEXTJOIN(", ",,FILTERXML("<t><s>" & SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(TEXTJOIN(",",TRUE,Data_1,Data_2)," ",""),",","</s><s>") & "</s></t>","//s[not( .=preceding::*) and not(.=following::*)]"))
Since this is an array formula, you need to "confirm" it by holding down ctrl + shift while hitting enter. If you do this correctly, Excel will place braces {...}
around the formula as observed in the formula bar
the strings using the comma delimiter- If there are only two or three strings, you could use a simple concatenation and avoid the
function, but you'd still need Excel 2013+ to have theFILTERXML
- If there are only two or three strings, you could use a simple concatenation and avoid the
- Remove the spaces. If all delimiters are
we could simplify the formula a bit. - Create an XML using the
to define the nodes. - the
says to return all nodes that are not followed by or preceded by it's duplicate. TEXTJOIN
the resultant array
Function TEST(aString As String, aString2 As String, Optional Delimiter As String = ",") As String
array1 = Split(aString, Delimiter)
array2 = Split(aString2, Delimiter)
Dim i 'As Integer
Dim j 'As Integer
Dim isFound 'As Boolean
Dim output
For i = 0 To UBound(array1)
isFound = False
For j = 0 To UBound(array2) - 1
If array1(i) = array2(j) Then
isFound = True
End If
Next 'j
If Not isFound Then
output = output + array1(i) & ", "
End If
Next 'i
TEST = output
End Function