I am simulating something and want to figure out the influence of two parameters. Therefore I vary them both and look for the result on each pair of parameter values and get a result like:
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 ....
0 13.2 14.8 19.9 25.5 27.3 ...
1000 21.3 25.9 32.3 etc.
2000 etc.
To visualize them, I use gnuplot, creating a heatmap, which works perfectly fine, showing me colors and height:
set terminal qt
set title "Test"
unset key
set tic scale 0
set palette rgbformula 7,5,15
set cbrange [0:100]
set cblabel "Transmission"
set pm3d at s interpolate 1,1
unset surf
set xlabel "U_{Lense} [V]"
set ylabel "E_{Start} [eV]"
set datafile separator "\t"
splot "UT500test.csv" matrix rowheaders columnheaders
Now I want to look more detailed on some areas on my heatmap, and vary my parameters in steps of 100 difference, not 1000 as shown in the table above. But because the simulation takes quite a long time, I just do this for some areas, so my table looks like this:
0 1000 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 ... 2900 3000 4000 ...
Now I want to show this in the heatmap, too. But everytime I tried this, all the bins on the heatmap, no matter if 1000 or 100 difference are of the same width. But I want the ones with 100 difference to be only 1/10 of the width of the 1000 differences. Is there a possibility to do this?
You could do something with plotting style with boxxyerror
. It's pretty straightforward, except the way to get the x-coordinates into an array which will be used later during plotting. Maybe, there are smarter solutions.
### heatmap with irregular spacing
reset session
unset key
$Data <<EOD
0.00 0.00 1000 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 3000 4000
1000 0.75 0.75 0.43 0.34 0.61 0.74 0.66 0.97 0.58
1100 0.82 0.90 0.18 0.12 0.87 0.15 0.01 0.57 0.97
1200 0.10 0.15 0.68 0.73 0.55 0.07 0.98 0.89 0.01
1300 0.67 0.38 0.41 0.85 0.37 0.45 0.49 0.21 0.98
1400 0.76 0.53 0.68 0.09 0.22 0.40 0.59 0.33 0.08
2000 0.37 0.32 0.30 NaN 0.33 NaN 0.73 0.94 0.96
3000 0.07 0.61 0.37 0.54 0.32 0.28 0.62 0.51 0.48
4000 0.79 0.98 0.78 0.06 0.16 0.45 0.83 0.50 0.10
5000 0.49 0.95 0.29 0.59 0.55 0.88 0.29 0.47 0.93
stats $Data nooutput
# put first row into array
array ArrayX[STATS_columns]
set table $Dummy
plot for [i=1:STATS_columns] $Data u (ArrayX[i]=column(i)) every ::0::0 with table
unset table
plot for [i=2:STATS_columns] $Data u (ArrayX[i]):1:(BoxHalfWidth):(BoxHalfWidth):i every ::1 with boxxyerror fs solid 1.0 palette
### end of code
With a little bit more effort you can as well generate a plot which covers the whole area.
In contrast to the simpler code from @Ethan, the recangles are centered on the datapoint coordinates and have the color of the actual datapoint z-value. Furthermore, the datapoint (2200,2000)
is also plotted. The borders of the rectangles are halfway between matrix points. The outer rectangles have dimensions equal to the x and y distance to the next inner matrix point.
### heatmap with irregular spacing with filled area
reset session
unset key
$Data <<EOD
0.00 0.00 1000 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 3000 4000
1000 0.75 0.75 0.43 0.34 0.61 0.74 0.66 0.97 0.58
1100 0.82 0.90 0.18 0.12 0.87 0.15 0.01 0.57 0.97
1200 0.10 0.15 0.68 0.73 0.55 0.07 0.98 0.89 0.01
1300 0.67 0.38 0.41 0.85 0.37 0.45 0.49 0.21 0.98
1400 0.76 0.53 0.68 0.09 0.22 0.40 0.59 0.33 0.08
2000 0.37 0.32 0.30 NaN 0.33 NaN 0.73 0.94 0.96
3000 0.07 0.61 0.37 0.54 0.32 0.28 0.62 0.51 0.48
4000 0.79 0.98 0.78 0.06 0.16 0.45 0.83 0.50 0.10
5000 0.49 0.95 0.29 0.59 0.55 0.88 0.29 0.47 0.93
stats $Data nooutput
ColCount = STATS_columns-1
RowCount = STATS_records-1
# put first row and column into arrays
array ArrX[ColCount]
array ArrY[RowCount]
set table $Dummy
plot for [i=1:ColCount] $Data u (ArrX[i]=column(i+1)) every ::0::0 with table
plot $Data u (ArrY[$0+1]=$1) every ::1 with table
unset table
dx(i) = (ArrX[i]-ArrX[i-1])*0.5
dy(i) = (ArrY[i]-ArrY[i-1])*0.5
ndx(i,j) = ArrX[i] - (i-1<1 ? dx(i+1) : dx(i))
pdx(i,j) = ArrX[i] + (i+1>ColCount ? dx(i) : dx(i+1))
ndy(i,j) = ArrY[j] - (j-1<1 ? dy(j+1) : dy(j))
pdy(i,j) = ArrY[j] + (j+1>RowCount ? dy(j) : dy(j+1))
set xrange[ndx(1,1):pdx(ColCount,1)]
set yrange[ndy(1,1):pdy(1,RowCount)]
set tic out
plot for [i=2:STATS_columns] $Data u (ArrX[i-1]):1:(ndx(i-1,$0)):(pdx(i-1,$0)): \
(ndy(i-1,$0+1)):(pdy(i-1,$0+1)):i every ::1 with boxxyerror fs solid 1.0 palette
### end of code
Edit2: Just for fun, here is the "retro-version" for gnuplot 5.0:
gnuplot5.0 does not support arrays. Although, gnuplot5.0 supports datablocks, but apparently indexing like $Datablock[1]
does not work. So, the workaround-around is to put the matrix X,Y coordinates into strings CoordsX
and CoordsY
and get the coordinates with word()
. If there is not another limitation with string and word()
, the following worked with gnuplot5.0 and gave the same result as above.
### heatmap with irregular spacing with filled area
# compatible with gnuplot 5.0
reset session
unset key
$Data <<EOD
0.00 0.00 1000 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 3000 4000
1000 0.75 0.75 0.43 0.34 0.61 0.74 0.66 0.97 0.58
1100 0.82 0.90 0.18 0.12 0.87 0.15 0.01 0.57 0.97
1200 0.10 0.15 0.68 0.73 0.55 0.07 0.98 0.89 0.01
1300 0.67 0.38 0.41 0.85 0.37 0.45 0.49 0.21 0.98
1400 0.76 0.53 0.68 0.09 0.22 0.40 0.59 0.33 0.08
2000 0.37 0.32 0.30 NaN 0.33 NaN 0.73 0.94 0.96
3000 0.07 0.61 0.37 0.54 0.32 0.28 0.62 0.51 0.48
4000 0.79 0.98 0.78 0.06 0.16 0.45 0.83 0.50 0.10
5000 0.49 0.95 0.29 0.59 0.55 0.88 0.29 0.47 0.93
stats $Data nooutput
ColCount = int(STATS_columns-1)
RowCount = int(STATS_records-1)
# put first row and column into arrays
CoordsX = ""
set table $Dummy
set xrange[0:1] # to avoid warnings
do for [i=2:ColCount+1] {
plot $Data u (Value=column(i)) every ::0::0 with table
CoordsX = CoordsX.sprintf("%g",Value)." "
unset table
CoordsY = ""
set table $Dummy
do for [i=1:RowCount] {
plot $Data u (Value=$1) every ::i::i with table
CoordsY= CoordsY.sprintf("%g",Value)." "
unset table
dx(i) = (word(CoordsX,i)-word(CoordsX,i-1))*0.5
dy(i) = (word(CoordsY,i)-word(CoordsY,i-1))*0.5
ndx(i,j) = word(CoordsX,i) - (i-1<1 ? dx(i+1) : dx(i))
pdx(i,j) = word(CoordsX,i) + (i+1>ColCount ? dx(i) : dx(i+1))
ndy(i,j) = word(CoordsY,j) - (j-1<1 ? dy(j+1) : dy(j))
pdy(i,j) = word(CoordsY,j) + (j+1>RowCount ? dy(j) : dy(j+1))
set xrange[ndx(1,1):pdx(ColCount,1)]
set yrange[ndy(1,1):pdy(1,RowCount)]
set tic out
plot for [i=2:ColCount+1] $Data u (real(word(CoordsX,i-1))):1:(ndx(i-1,int($0))):(pdx(i-1,int($0))): \
(ndy(i-1,int($0+1))):(pdy(i-1,int($0+1))):i every ::1 with boxxyerror fs solid 1.0 palette
### end of code
The extra steps with stats
are not necessary.
You can access the true coordinates directly as a nonuniform matrix:
set offset 100,100,100,100
plot $Data matrix nonuniform using 1:2:3 with points pt 5 lc palette
The missing piece is to fill in the full area rather than plotting single points. You can do this using pm3d:
set pm3d corners2color mean
set view map
splot $Data matrix nonuniform with pm3d
The colors do not match the previous plot because pm3d considers all 4 corners of each box when assigning a color. I told it to take the mean value (that's the default) but many other variants are possible. You could smooth the coloring further with set pm3d interpolate 3,3