I want to plot multiple traces in a loop without overwriting all previous traces.
In this post from 2015, a solution to adding traces within a loop is presented, by setting evaluate = TRUE
in the plot_ly or add_trace functions. However, as of 2017 in the newer version of plot_ly, evaluate
isn't an attribute.
'scatter3d' objects don't have these attributes: 'evaluate'
This question, and this question also fail to answer the problem. This post acknowledges that evaluate = TRUE isn't doesn't work with new plotly, but doesn't give a solution. What is the new solution to this problem?
My data for copy/paste:
structure(list(x_1 = c(74.651438, 75.31493, 76.736865, 77.858125,
79.347856, 80.302483), y_1 = c(249.063605, 247.149121, 245.461889,
243.811041, 242.382685, 240.300034), z_1 = c(4.373868, 3.653744,
4.101455, 4.134471, 4.225507, 4.890157), x_2 = c(85.468712, 86.637469,
87.993127, 87.907308, 88.748766, 89.680155), y_2 = c(249.063405,
247.145423, 245.46148, 244.949469, 244.005001, 242.917665), z_2 = c(4.56633,
4.059976, 3.842906, 4.019021, 4.316799, 4.378894), x_3 = c(101.720648,
101.70598, 102.022836, 102.166059, 102.242424, 102.317043), y_3 = c(249.660075,
249.562464, 249.771452, 249.619983, 249.39349, 249.444531), z_3 = c(3.080686,
3.003508, 2.774651, 2.291644, 2.239727, 1.932501)), .Names = c("x_1",
"y_1", "z_1", "x_2", "y_2", "z_2", "x_3", "y_3", "z_3"), row.names = c(NA,
6L), class = "data.frame")
My code:
p <- plot_ly(temp, type = 'scatter3d', mode = 'lines', width = 1)
for(i in 1:3){
x = paste0("x_",i)
y = paste0("y_",i)
z = paste0("z_",i)
p <- add_trace(p, x = ~get(x), y = ~get(y), z = ~get(z))
You could start with an empty Plotly object and then add the traces sequentially.
temp <- structure(list(x_1 = c(74.651438, 75.31493, 76.736865, 77.858125,
79.347856, 80.302483), y_1 = c(249.063605, 247.149121, 245.461889,
243.811041, 242.382685, 240.300034), z_1 = c(4.373868, 3.653744,
4.101455, 4.134471, 4.225507, 4.890157), x_2 = c(85.468712, 86.637469,
87.993127, 87.907308, 88.748766, 89.680155), y_2 = c(249.063405,
247.145423, 245.46148, 244.949469, 244.005001, 242.917665), z_2 = c(4.56633,
4.059976, 3.842906, 4.019021, 4.316799, 4.378894), x_3 = c(101.720648,
101.70598, 102.022836, 102.166059, 102.242424, 102.317043), y_3 = c(249.660075,
249.562464, 249.771452, 249.619983, 249.39349, 249.444531), z_3 = c(3.080686,
3.003508, 2.774651, 2.291644, 2.239727, 1.932501)), .Names = c("x_1",
"y_1", "z_1", "x_2", "y_2", "z_2", "x_3", "y_3", "z_3"), row.names = c(NA,
6L), class = "data.frame")
p <- plot_ly()
for(i in 1:3){
x = paste0("x_",i)
y = paste0("y_",i)
z = paste0("z_",i)
p <- add_trace(p,
x = temp[[x]],
y = temp[[y]],
z = temp[[z]],
type = 'scatter3d',
mode = 'lines',
line = list(width = 1))