Convert all files in a directory using ffmpeg and then move them using PowerShell

瘦欲@ 提交于 2021-02-10 22:40:53


I want to create a script that converts .mkv-files from x264 to x265 using ffmpeg-windows. To generate a list of all files in the directory I created a .ps1-script generate-list.ps1, you might want to use it. What must my powershell script be to execute the code stated below for each item in the folder video_old and move it to video_new after conversion?

del .\list.txt
cd .\video_old\
foreach ($i in Get-ChildItem .\*.mkv) {echo "file '$i'" >> "list.txt"}
move .\list.txt ..\
cd .. 

The directory looks like this:

└ video_new
  └ *the converted files should go here*
└ video_old
  └ *the video files that need to be converted*
└ ffmpeg.exe
└ generate-list.ps1

and the code that should be executed for conversion is the following

ffmpeg -i input -c:v libx265 -x265-params lossless=1 FILENAME.mkv


I don't think you need an intermediate list with filenames; instead, use a single pipeline in which the Get-ChildItem output (input files) is processed one by one, using the ForEach-Object cmdlet:

Get-ChildItem .\video_old -Filter *.mkv | ForEach-Object {
  ffmpeg -i $_.FullName -c:v libx265 -x265-params lossless=1 ".\video_new\$($_.Name)"

