I'm working on a small swift program to work with Yelp API over OAuth-1. I am looking to generate a HMAC-SHA1 signature.
I have the customer key, secret key , token and token secret.
From what I know, to make an API request with OAuth 1, we need the following attributes :
- oauth_consumer_key
- oauth_token
- oauth_signature_method = (HMAC-SHA1)
- oauth_signature
- oauth_timestamp
- oauth_nonce
How do I generate #4,5,6
I looked other this, but didn't help.
Quite late response but I maintain a very lightweight Swift 3 easy to use extension that adds OAuth 1.0a capabilities to URLRequest.
It's called OhhAuth. Can be easy installed with Cocoa Pods or the Swift package manager.
pod 'OhhAuth'
I will add an usage example on how to interact with the Twitter API:
let cc = (key: "<YOUR APP CONSUMER KEY>", secret: "<YOUR APP CONSUMER SECRET>")
let uc = (key: "<YOUR USER KEY>", secret: "<YOUR USER SECRET>")
var req = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json")!)
let paras = ["status": "Hey Twitter! \u{1F6A7} Take a look at this sweet UUID: \(UUID())"]
req.oAuthSign(method: "POST", urlFormParameters: paras, consumerCredentials: cc, userCredentials: uc)
let task = URLSession(configuration: .ephemeral).dataTask(with: req) { (data, response, error) in
if let error = error {
else if let data = data {
print(String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) ?? "Does not look like a utf8 response :(")
If you are only interested in the signature, you can use:
OhhAuth.calculateSignature(url: URL, method: String, parameter: [String: String],
consumerCredentials cc: Credentials, userCredentials uc: Credentials?) -> String
You can use this library OAuthSwift, and if you are working with RxSwift + Moya this one will fit you perfectly RxSocialConnect-iOS