Here is how i am getting list of attachment objects attached to a message:
IAttachmentCollectionRequest attachmentsPage = graphClient
List<Attachment> attachmentsData = attachmentsPage.get().getCurrentPage();
List<AttachmentData> attachmentDataToStore = new java.util.ArrayList<AttachmentData>();
for(Attachment attachment : attachmentsData)
new ByteArrayInputStream(
Now, I believe the conversion of content bytes to input stream is not happening properly and eventually data(image.png) is getting corrupted. Any suggestions?
Use the FileAttachment
class to handle all of this for you. Unfortunately the SDK doesn't handle this in the most "clean" manner - you have to request the attachment a second time.
public static void saveAttachments(String accessToken) {
final String mailId = "message-id";
// Get the list of attachments
List<Attachment> attachments = graphClient
// Use select here to avoid getting the content in this first request
for(Attachment attachment : attachments) {
// Attachment is a base type - need to re-get the attachment as a fileattachment
if (attachment.oDataType.equals("#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment")) {
// Use the client to generate the request URL
String requestUrl = graphClient
// Build a new file attachment request
FileAttachmentRequestBuilder requestBuilder =
new FileAttachmentRequestBuilder(requestUrl, graphClient, null);
FileAttachment fileAttachment = requestBuilder.buildRequest().get();
// Get the content directly from the FileAttachment
byte[] content = fileAttachment.contentBytes;
try (FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream("C:\\Source\\test.png")) {
} catch (IOException exception) {
// Handle it
Your method of reading contentBytes from the rawObject JSON will work. You just need to use a Base64 decoder instead of String.getBytes()
because contentBytes is base64-encoded. This was a bit faster on my network than requesting the attachment again using FileAttachmentRequestBuilder.
IAttachmentCollectionRequest attachmentsPage = graphClient
List<Attachment> attachmentsData = attachmentsPage.get().getCurrentPage();
List<AttachmentData> attachmentDataToStore = new java.util.ArrayList<AttachmentData>();
for(Attachment attachment : attachmentsData)
new ByteArrayInputStream(