So below is the code I have been using. I'm a bit of a newb. I've been testing with just the head of the data because of the quota for using the API. Below is a snapshot of the dataframe:
latitude longitude
0 -73.99107 40.730054
1 -74.000193 40.718803
2 -73.983849 40.761728
3 -73.97499915 40.68086214
4 -73.89488591 40.66471445
This is where I am getting tripped up.
train['latlng'] = train.apply(lambda row: '{},{}'.format(row['latitude'],
row['longitude']), axis=1)
train['geocode_data'] = train['latlng'].map(reverse_geocode)
train['Zip'] =train['latlng'].apply(geolocator.reverse)
train['Zip'].apply(lambda x: pd.Series(x.split(',')))
foo = lambda x: pd.Series([i for i in reversed(x.split(','))])
train['Zip']=train['Zip'].apply(lambda x: str(x))
At the moment, I'm getting an error that:
AttributeError: 'Location' object has no attribute 'split'
How would I go about splitting up location so that I can just pick up the zip code?
If all you want to get is the zip code, you can directly access the postcode attribute within the Location object.
In the geopy version 1.21.0 and using the import
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
I couldn't use the location.raw["address"]
. An example of location.raw is as
{'place_id': 3330757,
'licence': 'Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright',
'osm_type': 'node',
'osm_id': 368381231,
'boundingbox': ['39.6634459', '39.6934459', '-75.6213155', '-75.5913155'],
'lat': '39.6784459',
'lon': '-75.6063155',
'display_name': 'New Castle County Airport, South Hollow Road, Manor Park, New Castle County, Delaware, 19721, United States of America',
'class': 'aeroway',
'type': 'aerodrome',
'importance': 0.6780150946188139,
'icon': 'https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/images/mapicons/transport_airport2.p.20.png'}
Instead I used
which worked for me.
Pass addressdetails=True
to Nominatim to get this information (https://geopy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/#nominatim)
location = geolocator.geocode(query={'postalcode':'95119'}, addressdetails=True)
San Jose, Santa Clara County, California, 95119, United States of America
{'place_id': 237756323,
'licence': 'Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright',
'boundingbox': ['37.072728062914',
'lat': '37.23272806291426',
'lon': '-121.78612695295647',
'display_name': 'San Jose, Santa Clara County, California, 95119, United States of America',
'class': 'place',
'type': 'postcode',
'importance': 0.33499999999999996,
'address': {'city': 'San Jose',
'county': 'Santa Clara County',
'state': 'California',
'postcode': '95119',
'country': 'United States of America',
'country_code': 'us'}}