
Geolocation in Safari 9 always returning Position Unavailable

荒凉一梦 提交于 2021-02-20 19:21:11
问题 I'm building an app where I need to get the user's location. To do this I have a click event attached to a button, which then calls navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(getVenues, handleError); This works as expected on Chrome and Firefox, and the getVenues function is run after I grant access to my location. On Safari, after granting access the handleError function is immediately called. This happens on both my local and production server, both of which use HTTPS. My computer is on a

How to convert geographical coordinates to pixels?

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2021-02-19 08:33:51
问题 I am developing wpf application. I have one static world map of 500 width and 500 height. I have one form in my application. In this from user enters the latitude and longitude and submit the details. I want to show the exact location of these latitude and longitude on my static map. So I am trying to convert these latitude and longitude into pixels. I am using ellipse to show the circle on my static map. How should I convert the geographical coordinates into pixels in C# ? Can you please

This website does not have permission to use the Geolocation API

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2021-02-19 06:23:05
问题 I am expericing this error, while trying to use the geolocation api: This website does not have permission to use the Geolocation API The strange thing is that the same website is running fine on one some systems(where IE.9 and I.E10 are installed) and it throws error on a system where I.E 9 is installed. We tested it on different systems but it throws error only on that particular system where I.E9 is installed. Do we need some browser settings to use this API? What persmission do we require

ios google maps accuracy

Deadly 提交于 2021-02-18 14:15:17
问题 i have view that display user current location using google maps and route to his distention. the problem: user location is out of the road most of the time, I can't put the app like this in the Appstore, it will get bad reviews. I checked google sdk for IOS, is there any property for accuracy !? like: self.googleMap.accuracy = bestForNavigation are there any tweaks or properties to set that improve user location accuracy? how maps apps on the Appstore display user location with so much

Geolocation in WinForms application

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-02-18 12:58:12
问题 I want to create a WinForms app that can detect location just like a web browser would using the javascript function navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showPosition); Is there some way to do this in WinForms directly? I thought that I might be able to use the WebBrowser control to do this but I don't believe this supports Geolocation (unless someone knows otherwise?) Apparently the Gecko browser does support gelocation but this is not an option for me because client may have a different

How to get location of Tweets with Twitter search API

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2021-02-18 11:37:39
问题 The statuses/user_timeline part of the Twitter API returns geolocation data as "place" along with each Tweet. The search API, on the other hand, does not return this location data (as far as I can tell). Is there a way to get location data with the search API? 回答1: There is a geo field in each result of the search resource (see the example in the documentation), which is a form of geolocation, but is not the exact same thing as the place field in the statuses/user_timeline . Alternatively you

Google Maps JS API - Find name of place given location (latitude/longitude)

人盡茶涼 提交于 2021-02-18 08:20:48
问题 Given a latitude/longitude, how can I get the name of the place at that location using Google Map's JS API? The Geocoder.geocode(..) seems to be the way to go, but am not sure what's the best way to get the exact location name out of the API results. 回答1: Use the Geocoding API for mapping locations to addresses and addresses to locations. Geocoder.geocode( { 'latLng': latLngObject }, callback); The callback

Google Maps JS API - Find name of place given location (latitude/longitude)

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2021-02-18 08:19:02
问题 Given a latitude/longitude, how can I get the name of the place at that location using Google Map's JS API? The Geocoder.geocode(..) seems to be the way to go, but am not sure what's the best way to get the exact location name out of the API results. 回答1: Use the Geocoding API for mapping locations to addresses and addresses to locations. Geocoder.geocode( { 'latLng': latLngObject }, callback); The callback

Android: Simple way to make a geofence?

醉酒当歌 提交于 2021-02-17 21:29:56
问题 I'm new to Android development and am creating an app that allows a User to create a Geo fence around a specific location for reminders. For example: Making a geofence around a grocery store to remind the user as he enters to pick up Orange Juice. Does anyone know of a tutorial that could help in developing something like this? 回答1: AFAIK there are no tutorials for geofencing, but it's pretty simple (assuming you want a circular fence). This tutorial will tell you how to get the user's

Unable to execute rest api via curl [closed]

北城以北 提交于 2021-02-17 05:17:28
问题 Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 4 days ago . Improve this question I am using Google Geolocation API and trying to run it via curl. But I am unable to do it Request { "considerIp": "true", "wifiAccessPoints": [{ "macAddress": "00:1e:64:f6:45:aa" // my system mac address } ] } The above request is saved into a file and the file