Angular 2 - when *ngFor completes call function on parent component

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2021-02-08 07:51:53


I am trying to create a carousel component for my Angular 2 application.

I want the carousel to be generic, so that it will support both these cases:

  <div>first card</div>
  <div>second card</div>

and the more generic

  <myCard *ngFor="let card of cards" [card]="card"></myCard>

The problem is that the carousel component requires an initialisation to run after the *ngFor has completed, otherwise it won't be displayed correctly.

Since the data is coming from a web service call, I can't guess the exact timing, but I need the carousel component to observe, implicitly or explicitly, when *ngFor has completed. Can anybody help? Thank you!


Fire event on last attempt of ngFor as below

<myCard *ngFor="#card in cards;  #last=last" [card]="card" [attr.ready]="last ? false : true"></myCard>

and in code do this

set ready(isReady: boolean) {
    if (isReady) someCallbackMethod();

Hope this helps :)


You could use ContentChildren.

@ContentChildren(MyCardComponent) cards: QueryList<MyCardComponent>;

ngOnAfterContentInit() {
      //.debounce(100) /* maybe add an additional debounce time.. */
      .subscribe(cards => {
         // received new cards..


There is another Stackoverflow answer that already solves the problem:

My solution is very similar: a directive (called CarouselItem) applied to the carousel elements inside the *ngFor, defining a boolean input that tells whether the element is the last, and a property (or eventemitter) that can be set to a function to call when the last element has been reached.

So the template becomes:

<myCarousel #carousel>
  <myCard *ngFor="let card of cards; let l = last"
           [ready]="l ? true : false"

the variable #carousel is needed to be able to reference the carousel component from the myCard directive ( [init]="carousel.initialize" ).

The following is the code of the directive:

  selector: `[CarouselItem]`
export class CarouselItem {

  @Input('init') onInit: Function = () => {};

  @Input() set ready(isReady: boolean) {
      if (isReady)
        setTimeout(()=>this.onInit(), 200);

And finally the carousel component contains a public initialization method.

public initialize= ()=> {
    // perform initialisation

