How to copy styles of a cell into another one using Google Spreadsheet API

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2021-02-07 10:20:42


I'm trying to fill data to a spreadsheet using Google Spreadsheet API. What I do not understand is how can I copy styles from a row (e.g. the first one) to the cells created by my software.

I'm unable to find a way...


Read/write styles use google-apps-script, this is the only way to read and write styles that I have seen.

source.copyTo(ss.getRange('Sheet2!A1'), {formatOnly: true});

copyTo docs:,Object)

No styles in Google-spreadsheet-api: It does not have a way to read/write styles to the sheet. I have searched for this.

Read only You can read the styles, by getting the sheet as HTML. Not ideal, but works.

