I have a staging server hosted on heroku, I just want to bring it down, but not destroy the app. How can I do it? Do I have any command like 'heroku stop' like 'heroku restart' for restarting?
Is there a way to automate the server to turn off itself when it exceeds the 750 hr free usage?
Actually I don't want the server so I am trying to stop it, or leave it for the free hours.
You can scale individual non-web processes down to zero quite happily:
$ heroku ps:scale worker=0
$ heroku ps:scale resque=0
and web to 1:
$ heroku ps:scale web=1
As Mischa says, you get one free dyno running, so leave your 1 web dyno running (I'm not sure you can stop the last web process)
You can put it under maintenance, which stops it but doesn't delete it:
heroku maintenance:on
More info: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/maintenance-mode
Login to the account, and click on the resource and then bring down the dyno count to 0 and the save. Now you can check by trying to open the site. It will be down.
Easily disable/enable the App by going to your Heroku dashboard
==> resource tab
the rest is on the picture below: