I define a simple child component(testSlot.vue) like this:
<div>this is title</div>
<slot text="hello from child slot"></slot>
export default {}
and we can use it in html template like this
<template scope="props">
<div> {{props.text}}</div>
<div> this is real body</div>
but how can I use it in jsx ?
After read the doc three times , I can answer the question myself now O(∩_∩)O .
<test-slot scopedSlots={
default: function (props) {
return [<div>{props.text}</div>,<div>this is real body</div>]
the slot name is default.
So. we can access the scope in the scopedSlots.default ( = vm.$scopedSlots.default)
the callback argument 'props' is the holder of props.
and the return value is vNode you cteated with scope which exposed by child component.
I realize the jsx is just a syntactic sugar of render function ,it still use createElement function to create vNode tree.
now in babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx
3.5, you need write in this way:
{ ...{
scopedSlots: {
default: scope => {
return (
<div class='action-list'>
} }>