Share a private git repository on GitHub with a specific user as read-only

冷暖自知 提交于 2021-02-04 19:22:10


I'm finally trying to learn how to git, so I'm writing a rather extensive thesis with version control on GitHub. I have a free GitHub pro account, thanks to my University, so I can add private repositories.

I need to add my supervisor, so he has access to the documents, but I want his his GitHub account to have read-only rights.

How do I allow read-only access to a private repository on GitHub with a specific user?


Considering that a collaborator on a simple GitHub repo has push access, you have a few options:

  • transferring your repo to an organization (that you have created): you can then restrict push: Then you can add an external collaborator with only read access:

    (the image shows wirte access, but the point is: you can select "Read")

  • or you can protect and restrict write access to branch (but you need to do that for all branches)

