I have legacy project which has declartions and class usings in different cases.
I want upgrade source to modern state. First I want to replace legacy autoloading by composer autoloading. But composer does not provide case insensitive autoloading.
How to use composer classmap and insensitive autoload?
Add classmap
to composer.json
"autoload": {
"classmap": ["folder1/", "folder2/"]
Then run composer.phar dumpautoload
to create composer/autoload_classmap.php
Change your code. After
require VENDOR_PATH . '/autoload.php';
$class_map = require VENDOR_PATH . '/composer/autoload_classmap.php';
$new_class_map = array();
foreach ($class_map as $class => $file)
$new_class_map [strtolower($class)] = $file;
spl_autoload_register(function ($class)use($new_class_map)
$class = strtolower($class);
if (isset($new_class_map[$class]))
require_once $new_class_map[$class];
return true;
return false;
}, true, false);
This is the simplest way I have found.
You don't - with composer.
Fix the code. I.e. use Composer to create a classmap of your classes, then make a case insensitive search for all these class names, and replace them with the correct case sensitive version from the classmap.
Or create your own case-insensitive classmap loader that automatically complains if it stumples upon a classname with incorrect cases and makes you fix the software one by one - with the danger of missing some cases that will only be detected later if code changes rearrange the order of autoloaded classes.
If your production setup supports spl_autoload_register (starting from 5.1.2) - you can add own implementation of autoload alongside with composer's. Here how mine is done (it also relies on name spacing):
function classLoader($className, $prefix = '') {
$pathParts = explode('\\', $className);
$newPathParts = array_map('strtolower', $pathParts);
$classPath = $prefix . implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $newPathParts) . '.php';
if ( file_exists($classPath) ) {
require_once $classPath;
And in your files you can mix your case whatever you like.
$obj = new View\Home\Home();
is identical to:
$obj = new vIEw\home\homE();