How to prevent power query from fetching data for merge source tables?

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2021-01-29 12:22:52


In Power query I have table A and table B.

I have merged these to create table C and expanded to keep the column I need in my report.

When I refresh the data, it fetches data from the source database into all 3 tables.

It doesn't allow me to delete tables A and B because they are used by the merge table C.

I have tried both unchecking enable load on the tables A and B as well as unchecking include in report refresh. As mentioned here (see comment section on answer - What do "Enable Load" and "Include In Report Refresh" mean/do?), these options are effective only in power bi desktop and have no effect in power bi service.

So how can I prevent power query from fetching data for merge tables A and B so that it queries the source database only for table C?

