I am having these two pictures, labeled 1.png
and 2.png
, respectively:
When I run this code from ImageMagick in my Linux terminal:
composite -blend 75 -gravity West 2.png 1.png prueba.png
I get this result:
However, I would like the logo (2.png
) to be half or one-third size reduced and placed in the bottom left corner. How can I do it from the terminal?
You can do that in ImageMagick by using the convert syntax. It is more flexible than the composite syntax.
convert 1.png \( 2.png -resize 50% \) -gravity southwest -define compose:args=75 -compose blend -composite 1_2.png
If you want to move it further left, you can simply chop off some of the left side before compositing using ImageMagick.
convert 1.png \( 2.png -resize 50% -gravity west -chop 20x0 \) -gravity southwest -define compose:args=75 -compose blend -composite 1_2_b.png
Alternately, you can simply trim the excess empty space around the 2.png before blending.
convert 1.png \( 2.png -resize 50% -trim +repage \) -gravity southwest -define compose:args=75 -compose blend -composite 1_2_c.png