Cordova 10.0 Ajax not working in iOS 14 but working fine in Android

不羁岁月 提交于 2021-01-29 09:46:29


I recently updated my Xcode to 12.0, and I have the latest iOS 14, and Cordova 10.0.0 on my mac. I also changed the UIWebview to WKWebViewOnly I have also referred to the following link to enable the option in the config file:

Ajax Not working in IOS 9.0 Cordova

So, my config file looks something like this

<access origin="*" />
<allow-intent href="http://*/*" />
<allow-intent href="https://*/*" /> 
<platform name="ios">
    <allow-intent href="itms:*" />
    <allow-intent href="itms-apps:*" />
<preference name="AllowUntrustedCerts" value="on" />
<preference name="InterceptRemoteRequests" value="all" />
<preference name="NativeXHRLogging" value="full" />
<preference name="WKWebViewOnly" value="true" />
    <feature name="CDVWKWebViewEngine">
        <param name="ios-package" value="CDVWKWebViewEngine" />
<preference name="CordovaWebViewEngine" value="CDVWKWebViewEngine" />

My code works fine in Android, but the following code which I call on the click of a button (after the device ready event has been called) fails:

var postData = "&UserName=" + user1;
$.ajax({type: 'POST',
data: postData, url: "",
complete: function(jqXHR, textStatus) {alert("done");},
                   success: function(dataMain){
                   error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError){
                   alert("error  " + ajaxOptions + "  " + thrownError);
                   //    if (ajaxOptions === "timeout") { openAlertMsg(timeoutMsg); }

I also tried to add the following to the index.html

<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="connect-src *; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *">

I assume Cordova runs fine with Ajax, in fact, in my older version of Cordova and Xcode, it was running fine, but am facing this issue very recently.


please add crossDomain : true to your ajax args

