I use MultiProvider and then create all my models. Lazy loading is enabled and as such when I open my page widget the constructor of my model is called when I call Provider.of<>(context).
This initialize my model and the model gets fresh data.
I have the following issue however, when I pop the view(widget) and revisit the view(widget) later, Provider.of<>(context) is called again, but since the model was already initialized I get the previous data from the model (This is useful because I do use this to preserve state between certain screens).
I need my model to reinitialize since I need to refresh my data and reset the page values, and since the constructor is never called again, I don't get any of these.
No matter what I do, if I call the initialize method from initState() / didChangeDependencies() it always error since I'm changing the data while the widget is building.
I'm looking for something like the following:
MyChangeNotifier variable = MyChangeNotifier();
value: variable,
child: child()
To reinitialize my class, but from what I read this is bad and don't know where to call it.
I have no idea how to proceed and any help would be appreciated.
So I found what I was looking for in the Provider actual documentation here.
The key is to call your code that would update the UI or trigger a rebuild inside a Future.microTask(). This will only then trigger the rebuild once the future completes and not trigger the rebuild while the widget tree is still building.
initState() {
Future.microtask(() =>
context.read<MyNotifier>(context).getMyData(); // Or in my situation initialize the page.