R Shiny: Creating unique datatables for different datasets

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2021-01-29 05:51:25


UPDATED: An example of the problem is shown below the code for the app

I'm building an dynamic ML app where the user can upload a dataset to get a prediction of the first column in the dataset (the response variable should be located in column 1 of the uploaded dataset). The user can select a value for the variables in the uploaded dataset and get a prediction of the response variable.

I'm currently trying to create a datatable that stores all the selected values, timestamp and the prediction.

The table is suppose to store the previous saved values, but only for that perticular dataset. By this I mean that if I save values from the iris dataset, the table uses the variables from the iris dataset as columns. This causes problems when uploading another dataset and saving those values, since the columns from the iris dataset would still be there and not the variables/columns from the new dataset.

My question is: How do I create a unique datatable for each dataset uploaded to the app?

If this sound confusion, try to run the app, calculate a prediction and save the data. Do this for two different datasets and look at the datatable under the "log" tab.

If you don't have two datasets, you can use these two datasets, they are build into R as default and already have the response variable positioned in column 1.

write_csv(attitude, "attitude.csv")
write_csv(ToothGrowth, "ToothGrowth.csv")

You will find the code regarding the datatable under the 'Create the log' section in the server function.

This is the code for the app:


# UI -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ui <- fluidPage(
  navbarPage(title = "Dynamic ML Application",
              h3("Values Selected"),
              actionButton("submitbutton", label = "calculate", class = "btn btn-primary", icon("calculator")),
              actionButton("savebutton", label = "Save", icon("save")),
              ), # End sidebarPanel
              ) # End mainPanel
  ), # End tabPanel Calculator
           DT::dataTableOutput("datatable18", width = 300), 
  ), # End tabPanel "Log"
  tabPanel("Upload file",
           fileInput(inputId = "file1", label="Upload file"),
           checkboxInput(inputId ="header", label="header", value = TRUE),
           checkboxInput(inputId ="stringAsFactors", label="stringAsFactors", value = TRUE),
           radioButtons(inputId = "sep", label = "Seperator", choices = c(Comma=",",Semicolon=";",Tab="\t",Space=" "), selected = ","),
           radioButtons(inputId = "disp", "Display", choices = c(Head = "head", All = "all"), selected = "head"),

        ), # End sidebarPanel
        )# End mainPanel
  ) # EndtabPanel "upload file"
  ) # End tabsetPanel
) # End UI bracket

# Server -------------------------------------------------------------------------
server <- function(input, output, session) {

# Upload file content table
  get_file_or_default <- reactive({
    if (is.null(input$file1)) {
      paste("No file is uploaded yet")
    } else { 
      df <- read.csv(input$file1$datapath,
                     header = input$header,
                     sep = input$sep,
                     quote = input$quote)
      if(input$disp == "head") {
      else {
  output$contents <- renderTable(get_file_or_default())
# Create input widgets from dataset  
  output$select <- renderUI({
    if (is.null(input$file1)) {
      "No dataset is uploaded yet"
    } else {
      df <- read.csv(input$file1$datapath,
               header = input$header,
               sep = input$sep,
               quote = input$quote)
      ~ ifelse(is.numeric(df[[.]]),
               yes = tagList(sliderInput(
                 inputId = paste0(.),
                 label = .,
                 value = mean(df[[.]], na.rm = TRUE),
                 min = round(min(df[[.]], na.rm = TRUE),2),
                 max = round(max(df[[.]], na.rm = TRUE),2)
               no = tagList(selectInput(
                 inputId = paste0(.),
                 label = .,
                 choices = sort(unique(df[[.]])),
                 selected = sort(unique(df[[.]]))[1],
      ) # End ifelse
    )) # End tagList
# creating dataframe of selected values to be displayed
  AllInputs <- reactive({
    if (is.null(input$file1)) {
    } else {
      DATA <- read.csv(input$file1$datapath,
                     header = input$header,
                     sep = input$sep,
                     quote = input$quote)
    id_exclude <- c("savebutton","submitbutton","file1","header","stringAsFactors","input_file","sep","contents","head","disp")
    id_include <- setdiff(names(input), id_exclude)
    if (length(id_include) > 0) {
          myvalues <- NULL
      for(i in id_include) {
        if(!is.null(input[[i]]) & length(input[[i]] == 1)){
          myvalues <- as.data.frame(rbind(myvalues, cbind(i, input[[i]])))
      names(myvalues) <- c("Variable", "Selected Value")
      myvalues %>% 
        slice(match(names(DATA[,-1]), Variable))
# render table of selected values to be displayed
  output$show_inputs <- renderTable({
    if (is.null(input$file1)) {
    paste("No dataset is uploaded yet.")
    } else {
# Creating a dataframe for calculating a prediction
  datasetInput <- reactive({ 
    DATA <- read.csv(input$file1$datapath,
                     header = input$header,
                     sep = input$sep,
                     quote = input$quote)
    DATA <- as.data.frame(unclass(DATA), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    response <- names(DATA[1])
    model <- randomForest(eval(parse(text = paste(names(DATA)[1], "~ ."))), 
                          data = DATA, ntree = 500, mtry = 3, importance = TRUE)
    df1 <- data.frame(AllInputs(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    input <- transpose(rbind(df1, names(DATA[1])))
    write.table(input,"input.csv", sep=",", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    test <- read.csv(paste("input.csv", sep=""), header = TRUE)
# Defining factor levels for factor variables
    cnames <- colnames(DATA[sapply(DATA,class)=="factor"])
    if (length(cnames)>0){
      lapply(cnames, function(par) {
        test[par] <<- factor(test[par], levels = unique(DATA[,par]))
# Making the actual prediction and store it in a data.frame     
    Prediction <- predict(model,test)
    Output <- data.frame("Prediction"=Prediction)
    print(format(Output, nsmall=2, big.mark=","))
# display the prediction when the submit button is pressed
  output$tabledata <- renderTable({
    if (input$submitbutton>0) { 

  # -------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the Log 
  saveData <- function(data) {
    data <- as.data.frame(t(data))
    if (exists("datatable18")) {
      datatable18 <<- rbind(datatable18, data)
    } else {
      datatable18 <<- data
  loadData <- function() {
    if (exists("datatable18")) {
# Whenever a field is filled, aggregate all form data
  formData <- reactive({
    DATA <- read.csv(input$file1$datapath,
                     header = input$header,
                     sep = input$sep,
                     quote = input$quote)
    fields <- c(colnames(DATA[,-1]), "Timestamp", "Prediction")
    data <- sapply(fields, function(x) input[[x]])
    data$Timestamp <- as.character(Sys.time())
    data$Prediction <- as.character(datasetInput())
# When the Submit button is clicked, save the form data
  observeEvent(input$savebutton, {
# Show the previous responses
# (update with current response when Submit is clicked)
  output$datatable18 <- DT::renderDataTable({

} # End server bracket

# ShinyApp -------------------------------------------------------------------------
shinyApp(ui, server)


To get an idea about how the problem occurs take a look at this:

  1. I upload the iris dataset to the application.

  2. I then make some predictions and save them.

  3. The predictions, as well as the selected inputs and a timestamp of when the save-button was pressed can now be seen under the "Log" tab.

  4. I upload a new dataset (attitude), which of course have different variables included (attitude dataset has 7 variables total, iris dataset has 5).

  5. I calculate a prediction, hit the save button and the app crashes. This happens because the number of columns in the dataset now has changed, so I get this errormessage:

Error in rbind: numbers of columns of arguments do not match

This can be fixed by renaming the datatable object in the server, since this creates a new datatable without any specified columns yet. But as soon as the Save button is pressed for the first time, the datatable locks-in the columns so they can't be changed again.

I can still access the old datatables if I switch the name of the datatable in the server function back the original name. So I'm thinking that if the name of the datatable object can be dynamic dependend on the dataset uploaded to the app, then the correct datatable can be shown.

So I think a better question could be: How do I create a dynamic/reactive datatable output object


Here's a simple shiny app that demonstrates a technique of storing a list of data (and properties). I'll store it in alldata (a reactive-value), and each dataset has the following properties:

  • name, just the name, redundant with the name of the list itself
  • depvar, stored dependent-variable, allowing the user to select which of the variables is used; in the displayed table, this is shown as the first column, though the original data is in its original column-order
  • data, the raw data (data.frame)
  • created and modified, timestamps; you said timestamps, but I didn't know if you meant on a particular dataset/prediction/model or something else, so I did this instead

Note that the same data can be uploaded multiple times: while I don't know if this is needed, it is allowed since all referencing is done on the integer index within the alldata list, not the names therein.


NA_POSIXt_ <- Sys.time()[NA] # for class-correct NA
defdata <- list(
  mtcars = list(
    name = "mtcars",
    depvar = "mpg",
    data = head(mtcars, 10),
    created = Sys.time(),
    modified = NA_POSIXt_
  CO2 = list(
    name = "CO2",
    depvar = "uptake",
    data = head(CO2, 20),
    created = Sys.time(),
    modified = NA_POSIXt_

makelabels <- function(x) {
  out <- mapply(function(ind, y) {
    cre <- format(y$created, "%H:%M:%S")
    mod <- format(y$modified, "%H:%M:%S")
    if (is.na(mod)) mod <- "never"
    sprintf("[%d] %s (cre: %s ; mod: %s)", ind, y$name, cre, mod)
  }, seq_along(x), x)
  setNames(seq_along(out), out)

ui <- fluidPage(
      selectInput("seldata", label = "Selected dataset", choices = makelabels(defdata)),
      selectInput("depvar", label = "Dependent variable", choices = names(defdata[[1]]$data)),
      fileInput("file1", label = "Upload data"),
      textInput("filename1", label = "Data name", placeholder = "Derive from filename"),
      checkboxInput("header", label = "Header", value = TRUE),
      checkboxInput("stringsAsFactors", label = "stringsAsFactors", value = TRUE),
      radioButtons("sep", label = "Separator",
                   choices = c(Comma = ",", Semicolon = ";", Tab = "\t", Space = " "),
                   select = ","),
      radioButtons("quote", label = "Quote",
                   choices = c(None = "", "Double quote" = '"', "Single quote" = "'"),
                   selected = '"')

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  alldata <- reactiveVal(defdata)

  observeEvent(input$seldata, {
    dat <- alldata()[[ as.integer(input$seldata) ]]
    choices <- names(dat$data)
    selected <- 
      if (!is.null(dat$depvar) && dat$depvar %in% names(dat$data)) {
      } else names(dat$data)[1]
    updateSelectInput(session, "depvar", choices = choices, selected = selected)
    # ...
    # other things you might want to update when the user changes dataset
  observeEvent(input$depvar, {
    ind <- as.integer(input$seldata)
    alldat <- alldata()
    if (alldat[[ ind ]]$depvar != input$depvar) {
      # only update alldata() when depvar changes
      alldat[[ ind ]]$depvar <- input$depvar
      alldat[[ ind ]]$modified <- Sys.time()
      lbls <- makelabels(alldat)
      sel <- as.integer(input$seldata)
      updateSelectInput(session, "seldata", choices = lbls, selected = lbls[sel])

  observeEvent(input$file1, {
    df <- tryCatch({
               header = input$header, sep = input$sep,
               stringsAsFactors = input$stringsAsFactors,
               quote = input$quote)
    }, error = function(e) e)
    if (!inherits(df, "error")) {
      if (!NROW(df) > 0 || !NCOL(df) > 0) {
        df <- structure(list(message = "No data found"), class = c("simpleError", "error", "condition"))
    if (inherits(df, "error")) {
      showModal(modalDialog(title = "Error loading data", "No data was found in the file"))
    } else {
      nm <-
        if (nzchar(input$filename1)) {
        } else tools:::file_path_sans_ext(basename(input$file1$name))
      depvar <- names(df)[1]
      newdat <- setNames(list(list(name = nm, depvar = depvar, data = df,
                                   created = Sys.time(), modified = NA_POSIXt_)),
      alldat <- alldata()
      alldata( c(alldat, newdat) )
      # update the selectInput to add this new dataset
      lbls <- makelabels(alldata())
      sel <- length(lbls)
      updateSelectInput(session, "seldata", choices = lbls, selected = lbls[sel])

  output$contents <- renderTable({
    seldata <- alldata()[[ as.integer(input$seldata) ]]
    # character
    depvar <- seldata$depvar
    othervars <- setdiff(names(seldata$data), seldata$depvar)
    cbind(seldata$data[, depvar, drop = FALSE], seldata$data[, othervars, drop = FALSE])

shinyApp(ui, server)

There is no ML, no modeling, nothing else in this shiny app, it just shows one possible method for switching between multiple datasets.

For your functionality, you'll need to react to input$seldata to find when the user changes dataset. Note that (1) I'm returning the integer of the list index, and (2) selectInput always returns a string. From this, if the user selects the second dataset in the pull-down, you will get "2", which will obviously not index by itself. Your data must be referenced as alldata()[[ as.integer(input$seldata) ]].

To support repeated-data with less ambiguity, I added the timestamps to the selectInput text, so you can see the "when" of some data. Perhaps overkill, easily removed.

