TestCafe & chrome:headless : how to force the browser language (locale)

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2021-01-29 03:13:32


I have write a few browser test who run with TestCafe, chrome:headless. The test are launched by commandline, from a server that I don't want to change the default language.

My website is multi-language. I want to be change the language of the test, without having to impact the language of the server/computer each time. How can I do that?

I launch the tests with this command line:

npx testcafe chrome:headless src/scenarios/**/*.test.ts


It all depends on your "multi-language" implementation:

  1. Navigate to some "locale" page version (example.com/en/).
  2. Start your tests from a landing page and then navigate to the specific "locale" version:
await t
  1. Try to add your own Accept-Language header to your request.
  2. Use a custom user profile:

For example, to create a shortcut that launches Google Chrome in Spanish (es), you might create a shortcut named chrome-es that has the following target:path_to_chrome.exe --lang=es --user-data-dir=c:\chrome-profile-es

