My Goal
I have a data set with several columns stored in an excel file. For each column I need to insert statistical formulae on the side of the data set. The formulae should be created dynamically.
For the sake of the example, lets create an example 3 columns by 10 rows, so that anyone can follow.
wb <- createWorkbook(title = "simulation")
addWorksheet(wb, "stats") # create a sheet
writeData(wb, "stats", data.frame(A=c(1:10)*pi, B=1/c(6:15), C=sqrt(11:20))) # store the example data frame
saveWorkbook(wb, "formula_example.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE) # save the file
The data set now looks like this: data set
I want to insert a set of formulae on the left of my excel data set, say column E. For instance, I need average and standard deviation for each column.
I have tried method no.1:
According to the R documentation, I can use the writeFormula method. But this will put my formulae in a column, whereas I need them in a row!! https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/openxlsx/versions/4.1.5/topics/writeFormula
wb <- loadWorkbook(xlsxFile = "formula_example.xlsx") # load the file
v1 <- c("AVERAGE(A2:A11)", "AVERAGE(B2:B11)", "AVERAGE(C2:C11)") # the vector of formulae
writeFormula(wb, sheet = "stats", x = v1, startCol = "E", startRow = 2) # column E and row 2
saveWorkbook(wb, "formula_example.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE) # save the file
I have tried method no.2
In the documentation there is the method with writeData where you have to re-class the cells as formula. If I create a data frame with dynamic formulae inside and store it to excel, perhaps I can get it working.
df <- data.frame() # initialize as empty data frame
df <- rbind(
df, # append the formula rows below and create the column names with the method int2col
sapply(1:3, function(i){paste0("AVERAGE(",int2col(i),"2:",int2col(i),"11)")})
df <- rbind(
df, # do the same for standard deviation
sapply(1:5, function(i){paste0("STDEV.S(",int2col(i),"2:",int2col(i),"11)")})
colnames(df) <- c("A","B","C") # set sensible names
Now the data frame df look like this:
> df
2 STDEV.S(A2:A11) STDEV.S(B2:B11) STDEV.S(C2:C11)
Now, I store it to excel:
class(df[1,]) <- c(class(df[1,]), "formula") # reclass as formula (not sure that this one is correct!!)
class(df[2,]) <- c(class(df[2,]), "formula") # in fact, it doesn't seem to work
writeData(wb, sheet = "stats", x = df, startCol = "E", startRow = 1) # set where to put the stats
saveWorkbook(wb, "formula_example.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE) # save the file
It does store into excel as rows, but as explicit text and not as formula!! The result looks like this: resulting data set
You could potentially use lapply
to pass the formulas that you want to write to an Excel sheet.
Note for some reason though if there is a .
in an Excel formula, it doesn't seem to recognise the formula properly, so have replaced them with STDEV in this example.
wb <- createWorkbook(title = "simulation")
addWorksheet(wb, "stats")
# Data
writeData(wb, "stats", data.frame(A=c(1:10)*pi, B=1/c(6:15), C=sqrt(11:20)))
# Formula Vector
v1 <- c("AVERAGE(A2:A11)", "AVERAGE(B2:B11)", "AVERAGE(C2:C11)")
v2 <- c("STDEV(A2:A11)", "STDEV(B2:B11)", "STDEV(C2:C11)")
# Columns where you want to store formulas
column1 <- c("E", "F", "G")
# write formula AVERAGE & STDEV
lapply(1:length(column1), FUN = function(x) writeFormula(wb, "stats", x = v1[x], startCol = column1[x], startRow = 2))
lapply(1:length(column1), FUN = function(x) writeFormula(wb, "stats", x = v2[x], startCol = column1[x], startRow = 3))
saveWorkbook(wb, "formula_example83.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE)