Use C# created DLL in PowerBuilder 12.5.2

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2021-01-29 01:32:12


I have created a simple C# class library targetting .Net Framework 4.5.2 with one class using Visual Studio 2015 enterprise edition.

Sample code:

namespace PwdEncryptor
    public class Class1
        public string Encrypt (string actualPassword)
           return String.Concat(actualPassword, "Encrypt");

I want to use this from my powerbuilder code on another system.

Purpose of doing this is to have common code for encryption of password.


I used it in my powerbuilder code by declaring in the Global instance variables like this:

Function string Encrypt(string actualPassword) Library "PwdEncryptor.dll"

And in Open event of the application I wrote:

string pwd
pwd = Encrypt("XYZ")

When I ran the code, I got a message saying "Unknown function name"

To overcome this I tried the solution mentioned here. A small deviation that I took was instead of doing the execution in powerbuilder on the same system I exported the registry which was created & imported to other system where powerbuilder code exists. In this case the error that I got was Bad runtime function refernce at line in Open event of Application object.

Is there a way that I can possibly use the DLL I have created? Am I missing something? Please advise.


You have to expose DLL as COM visible. Detailed info at this answer and this other.


I have resolved this.

Instead of exporting the registry from my system & importing it on the system containing powerbuilder code, I should have registered my C# dll using RegAsm.exe

Once the DLL is registered, the PowerBuilder code is able to use the C# code.

