I had to ask since I cannot found the same way as UI BeginInvoke asynchronous done.
My sample program running on Winforms and all the delegate method is calling in the main UI thread. I have log the status and found it run on same thread on different BeginInvoke
Log from Winforms UI:
13/01/2021 11:57:23 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: False, Thread Pool: False, Thread ID: 1
13/01/2021 11:57:23 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: False, Thread Pool: False, Thread ID: 1
13/01/2021 11:57:23 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: False, Thread Pool: False, Thread ID: 1
13/01/2021 11:57:23 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: False, Thread Pool: False, Thread ID: 1
13/01/2021 11:57:23 [SendNextCommand] - [SendNextCommand] Background: False, Thread Pool: False, Thread ID: 1
13/01/2021 11:57:23 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: False, Thread Pool: False, Thread ID: 1
13/01/2021 11:57:24 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: False, Thread Pool: False, Thread ID: 1
13/01/2021 11:57:24 [SendNextCommand] - [SendNextCommand] Background: False, Thread Pool: False, Thread ID: 1
13/01/2021 11:57:24 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: False, Thread Pool: False, Thread ID: 1
13/01/2021 11:57:24 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: False, Thread Pool: False, Thread ID: 1
13/01/2021 11:57:24 [SendNextCommand] - [SendNextCommand] Background: False, Thread Pool: False, Thread ID: 1
I want to convert it to class library to integrate as DLL for my real application. But I cannot found how do I make fnCmdInProgressAction
and SendNextCommand
method to run in same thread. Because, I have a chain command and it need to queue as object value will be clear and allow next command to execute to serial port.
Log from my class library:
13/01/2021 11:30:51 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: True, Thread Pool: True, Thread ID: 6
13/01/2021 11:30:52 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: True, Thread Pool: True, Thread ID: 9
13/01/2021 11:30:55 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: True, Thread Pool: True, Thread ID: 7
13/01/2021 11:30:55 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: True, Thread Pool: True, Thread ID: 6
13/01/2021 11:30:56 [SendNextCommand] - [SendNextCommand] Background: True, Thread Pool: True, Thread ID: 7
13/01/2021 11:30:56 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: True, Thread Pool: True, Thread ID: 9
13/01/2021 11:30:57 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: True, Thread Pool: True, Thread ID: 7
13/01/2021 11:30:58 [SendNextCommand] - [SendNextCommand] Background: True, Thread Pool: True, Thread ID: 6
I have tried ThreadPool, Delegate.BeginInvoke, Thread Task. But still result in different thread. Below are sample of what I have tried:
private delegate void CmdInProgressAction(bool state, Tools.CommandReply cr);
private void fnCmdInProgressAction(object param)
if (cr != null)
m_CmdInProgress = cr;
m_CmdInProgress = null;
// Code from Winform UI BeginInvoke
private void SetCmdInProgress(bool state, CommandReply cr)
CmdInProgressAction fn = null;
object[] param = new object[] { state, cr };
fn = new CmdInProgressAction(fnCmdInProgressAction);
BeginInvoke(fn, param);
// My try
private void SetCmdInProgress(bool state, CommandReply cr)
//========================= TRY 1 =================================================
new Task(() => { fnCmdInProgressAction(state, cr); }).Start();
//========================= TRY 2 =================================================
CmdInProgressAction fn = fnCmdInProgressAction;
fn.BeginInvoke(state, cr, null, null);
//========================= TRY 3 =================================================
new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => fnCmdInProgressAction(state, cr))).Start();
//========================= TRY 4 =================================================
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(fnCmdInProgressAction, new object[] { state, cr });
public void SendNextCommand(TXNextCommand tnxc)
Thread thread = Thread.CurrentThread;
string message = $"[SendNextCommand] Background: {thread.IsBackground}, Thread Pool: {thread.IsThreadPoolThread}, Thread ID: {thread.ManagedThreadId}";
if (m_CmdInProgress == null)
m_CmdInProgress = tnxc.mcr;
private string HandleReply(bool GoodResult, Tools.CommandReply cr)
int nextChannel = cr.m_tag + 1;
TXNextCommand tnxc= new TXNextCommand(new TXReadCassetteDeno($"Read Cassette {nextChannel} Deno", "RV-1X2", 5, channel: nextChannel));
/// Below is code from Winforms UI Async on main thread
dSendNextCommand fn = new dSendNextCommand(SendNextCommand);
object[] param = new object[] { nctt };
BeginInvoke(fn, param);
What is the correct way to run the delegate from HandleReply
and fnCmdInProgressAction
in the same thread so on SendNextCommand
calling, the m_CmdInProgress
is already null so it can send next command. The Winforms UI having no problem as it's like queue the invoke on the same thread. How do I apply this on class library since what I have tried cannot achieve what I desired. I have read about Task Asynchronous Programming, TPL. I cannot use async as it will mess the delegate on the serial class object.
Answering my question. With recommendation from Peter Csala I'm using using ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair
. Now the command can execute as desired. Here what I've done.
static ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair taskSchedulerPair = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair();
TaskFactory exclusiveTaskFactory = new TaskFactory(taskSchedulerPair.ExclusiveScheduler);
private void SetCmdInProgress(bool state, Tools.CommandReply cr)
exclusiveTaskFactory.StartNew(() => { fnCmdInProgressAction(new object[] { state, cr }); });
private string HandleReply(bool GoodResult, Tools.CommandReply cr)
int nextChannel = cr.m_tag + 1;
TXCommand.TXNextCommand tnxc = new TXCommand.TXNextCommand(new TXCommand.TXReadCassetteDeno($"Read Cassette {nextChannel} Deno", "RD/9X27", 5, channel: nextChannel));
exclusiveTaskFactory.StartNew(() => { SendNextCommand(new object[] { tnxc }); });
I still got some of different thread id; though, by using ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair
, it can queue the task before proceed with another task as the flow desired