Run different task in same asynchronous thread in C# [duplicate]

痴心易碎 提交于 2021-01-28 22:03:41


I had to ask since I cannot found the same way as UI BeginInvoke asynchronous done.

My sample program running on Winforms and all the delegate method is calling in the main UI thread. I have log the status and found it run on same thread on different BeginInvoke.

Log from Winforms UI:

13/01/2021 11:57:23 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: False, Thread Pool: False, Thread ID: 1
13/01/2021 11:57:23 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: False, Thread Pool: False, Thread ID: 1
13/01/2021 11:57:23 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: False, Thread Pool: False, Thread ID: 1
13/01/2021 11:57:23 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: False, Thread Pool: False, Thread ID: 1
13/01/2021 11:57:23 [SendNextCommand] - [SendNextCommand] Background: False, Thread Pool: False, Thread ID: 1
13/01/2021 11:57:23 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: False, Thread Pool: False, Thread ID: 1
13/01/2021 11:57:24 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: False, Thread Pool: False, Thread ID: 1
13/01/2021 11:57:24 [SendNextCommand] - [SendNextCommand] Background: False, Thread Pool: False, Thread ID: 1
13/01/2021 11:57:24 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: False, Thread Pool: False, Thread ID: 1
13/01/2021 11:57:24 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: False, Thread Pool: False, Thread ID: 1
13/01/2021 11:57:24 [SendNextCommand] - [SendNextCommand] Background: False, Thread Pool: False, Thread ID: 1

I want to convert it to class library to integrate as DLL for my real application. But I cannot found how do I make fnCmdInProgressAction and SendNextCommand method to run in same thread. Because, I have a chain command and it need to queue as object value will be clear and allow next command to execute to serial port.

Log from my class library:

13/01/2021 11:30:51 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: True, Thread Pool: True, Thread ID: 6
13/01/2021 11:30:52 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: True, Thread Pool: True, Thread ID: 9
13/01/2021 11:30:55 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: True, Thread Pool: True, Thread ID: 7
13/01/2021 11:30:55 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: True, Thread Pool: True, Thread ID: 6
13/01/2021 11:30:56 [SendNextCommand] - [SendNextCommand] Background: True, Thread Pool: True, Thread ID: 7
13/01/2021 11:30:56 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: True, Thread Pool: True, Thread ID: 9
13/01/2021 11:30:57 [fnCmdInProgressAction] - [fnCmdInProgressAction] Background: True, Thread Pool: True, Thread ID: 7
13/01/2021 11:30:58 [SendNextCommand] - [SendNextCommand] Background: True, Thread Pool: True, Thread ID: 6

I have tried ThreadPool, Delegate.BeginInvoke, Thread Task. But still result in different thread. Below are sample of what I have tried:

private delegate void CmdInProgressAction(bool state, Tools.CommandReply cr);
private void fnCmdInProgressAction(object param)
    if (cr != null)
        m_CmdInProgress = cr;
    m_CmdInProgress = null;
// Code from Winform UI BeginInvoke
private void SetCmdInProgress(bool state, CommandReply cr)
    CmdInProgressAction fn = null;
    object[] param = new object[] { state, cr };
    fn = new CmdInProgressAction(fnCmdInProgressAction);
    BeginInvoke(fn, param);
// My try
private void SetCmdInProgress(bool state, CommandReply cr)
    //=========================  TRY 1   =================================================
    new Task(() => { fnCmdInProgressAction(state, cr); }).Start();
    //=========================  TRY 2   =================================================
    CmdInProgressAction fn = fnCmdInProgressAction;
    fn.BeginInvoke(state, cr, null, null);
    //=========================  TRY 3   =================================================
    new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => fnCmdInProgressAction(state, cr))).Start();
    //=========================  TRY 4   =================================================
    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(fnCmdInProgressAction, new object[] { state, cr });
public void SendNextCommand(TXNextCommand tnxc)
    Thread thread = Thread.CurrentThread;
    string message = $"[SendNextCommand] Background: {thread.IsBackground}, Thread Pool: {thread.IsThreadPoolThread}, Thread ID: {thread.ManagedThreadId}";
    if (m_CmdInProgress == null)
        m_CmdInProgress = tnxc.mcr;
private string HandleReply(bool GoodResult, Tools.CommandReply cr)
        int nextChannel = cr.m_tag + 1;
        TXNextCommand tnxc= new TXNextCommand(new TXReadCassetteDeno($"Read Cassette {nextChannel} Deno", "RV-1X2", 5, channel: nextChannel));
        /// Below is code from Winforms UI Async on main thread
        dSendNextCommand fn = new dSendNextCommand(SendNextCommand);
        object[] param = new object[] { nctt };
        BeginInvoke(fn, param);

What is the correct way to run the delegate from HandleReply and fnCmdInProgressAction in the same thread so on SendNextCommand calling, the m_CmdInProgress is already null so it can send next command. The Winforms UI having no problem as it's like queue the invoke on the same thread. How do I apply this on class library since what I have tried cannot achieve what I desired. I have read about Task Asynchronous Programming, TPL. I cannot use async as it will mess the delegate on the serial class object.


Answering my question. With recommendation from Peter Csala I'm using using ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair. Now the command can execute as desired. Here what I've done.

static ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair taskSchedulerPair = new ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair();
TaskFactory exclusiveTaskFactory = new TaskFactory(taskSchedulerPair.ExclusiveScheduler);

private void SetCmdInProgress(bool state, Tools.CommandReply cr)
    exclusiveTaskFactory.StartNew(() => { fnCmdInProgressAction(new object[] { state, cr }); });
private string HandleReply(bool GoodResult, Tools.CommandReply cr)
    int nextChannel = cr.m_tag + 1;
    TXCommand.TXNextCommand tnxc = new TXCommand.TXNextCommand(new TXCommand.TXReadCassetteDeno($"Read Cassette {nextChannel} Deno", "RD/9X27", 5, channel: nextChannel));
    exclusiveTaskFactory.StartNew(() => { SendNextCommand(new object[] { tnxc }); });

I still got some of different thread id; though, by using ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair, it can queue the task before proceed with another task as the flow desired

