Karate - Ability to execute tests on a specific set of data in a csv file

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2021-01-28 08:10:21


I am on a team, presenting the advantages of Karate to move forward as the framework of choice for our API testing. However, I have come across a couple questions, in regards to data-driven testing.

I have gone through the documentation, csv files and cannot find a solution for this question:

  1. Is Karate capable of executing tests on specific data sets (For instance, based on priority p0, p1) given in a csv file?

Example "test.csv":

| p0     |  1  |  
| p0     |  2  |
| p1     |  4  |
| p1     |  6  |

I want to run my test cases with specific data sets in a csv file (p0, or p1, or both). Is Karate capable of this?


There are multiple ways I would do this, here is one:

* def data = read('test.csv')
* def selected = 'p1'
* def fun = function(x){ return x.priority == selected }
* def filtered = karate.filter(data, fun)

Scenario Outline:
* print __row

| filtered |

You don't need to force yourself into a Scenario Outline, you can loop over data and ignore the rows where you don't want to do any processing.

Refer to this answer for more ideas: https://stackoverflow.com/a/61685169/143475

Note that you can "fall back" to Java for advanced logic if needed: https://github.com/intuit/karate#calling-java

