I am working on my SwiftUI Project and every View is now in SwiftUI, however due to some limitations of SwiftUI I have to add Storyboard's ViewControllers into my SwiftUI project. I am trying this method,
struct AssetsListView: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
var taskID : String
public typealias UIViewControllerType = AssetsListViewController
func makeUIViewController(context: UIViewControllerRepresentableContext<AssetsListView>) -> AssetsListViewController {
let assetsListVC = AssetsListViewController()
assetsListVC.taskID = taskID
return assetsListVC
func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: AssetsListViewController, context: UIViewControllerRepresentableContext<AssetsListView>) {
This works fine and even viewDidLoad() method of my Storyboard's ViewController calls, but I am unable to see any element on my Storyboard Screen. How can I render those elements? Just like the normal Storyboard stuff.
You just created controller by class initialiser, to instantiate it from storyboard you have to do like the following
func makeUIViewController(context:
UIViewControllerRepresentableContext<AssetsListView>) -> AssetsListViewController {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", // < your storyboard name here
bundle: nil)
let assetsListVC = storyboard.instantiateViewController(identifier:
"AssetsListViewController") // < your controller storyboard id here
assetsListVC.taskID = taskID
return assetsListVC