How to perform all possible combinations of arithmetic operations on 3 integers?

a 夏天 提交于 2021-01-21 11:56:44


Suppose I have three integers. I want to get a list of all possible values obtained by performing all 16 (4x4 of *, /, +, - ) operations among between them.

Like if I have 3 4 1, we should get values 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 16. That is,

res = num1 (op1) num2 (op2) num3 where operators are:

["**", "*/", "*+", "*-", "/*", "//", "/+", "/-", "+*", "+/", "++", "+-", "-*", "-/", "-+", "--"]

However, the catch is that division can only be possible if x%y==0 i.e. divisor is factor of dividend.

So, far I've been able to brute force every operation but am missing some answers. I also defined a custom divide operation to take the catch into account.

I'm required to return a list containing unique values that are all positive.

My current code is a mess but here it is for the sake of it. This is missing out some values too.

def div(x, y):
    if x!=0 and y!=0:
        if x%y==0:return x/y
        else:return None

ops_lis = ["**", "*/", "*+", "*-", "/*", "//", "/+", "/-", "+*", "+/", "++", "+-", "-*", "-/", "-+", "--"]

d1, d2, d3 = map(int, input().split())
cal_lis, res_lis = [], []
for op in ops_lis:
    if op[0] == "*" and op[1] == "*":cal_lis.append(d1*d2*d3)
    if op[0] == "*" and op[1] == "/":
        if div(d1*d2, d3) != None:cal_lis.append(div(d1*d2, d3))
        cal_lis.append(div(d1*d2, d3))
    if op[0] == "*" and op[1] == "+":
    if op[0] == "*" and op[1] == "-":
    if op[0] == "/" and op[1] == "*":cal_lis.append(div(d1, d2*d3))
    if op[0] == "/" and op[1] == "/":
        if div(d1, d2) == None or div(d2, d3) == None:
            cal_lis.append(div(div(d1, d2), d3))
    if op[0] == "/" and op[1] == "+":
        if div(d1, d2) == None:
            cal_lis.append(div(d1, d2)+d3)
    if op[0] == "/" and op[1] == "-":
        if div(d1, d2) == None:
            cal_lis.append(div(d1, d2)-d3)

    if op[0] == "+" and op[1] == "*":
    if op[0] == "+" and op[1] == "/":
        if div(d2, d3) == None:
            cal_lis.append(d1+div(d2, d3))
    if op[0] == "+" and op[1] == "+":cal_lis.append(d1+d2+d3)
    if op[0] == "+" and op[1] == "-":cal_lis.append(d1+d2-d3)

    if op[0] == "-" and op[1] == "*":
    if op[0] == "-" and op[1] == "/":
        if div(d2, d3) == None:cal_lis.append(None)
        else: cal_lis.append(d1-div(d2, d3))
        if div(d1-d2, d3) == None:cal_lis.append(None)    
        else: cal_lis.append(div(d1-d2, d3))
    if op[0] == "-" and op[1] == "+":cal_lis.append(d1-d2+d3)
    if op[0] == "-" and op[1] == "-":cal_lis.append(d1-d2-d3)

# print(cal_lis)
cal_lis = [int(cal) for cal in cal_lis if cal!=None]
for res in cal_lis:
    if (res > 0 and res not in res_lis):
for a in sorted(res_lis):
    print(a, end=" ")

Is there an efficient way to perform this task (using trees maybe ?) given that the division condition is also true ?

Any help would be appreciated...

EDIT: Added Constraints

The calculation must conform to the following format: number = dice1 op1 dice2 op2 dice3


  • op1 and op2 can be +, -, * or /. E.g. op1 = + and op2 = /
  • dice1, dice2 and dice3 can be any combination of the numbers rolled at the current round. The value of a die can be used once in the calculation.
  • For the division, the divisor must be a factor of the dividend
  • Parentheses can be added to override the precedence of operators op1 and op2. i.e. (dice1 op1 dice2) op2 dice3 or dice1 op1 (dice2 op2 dice3)


To get all possible results, you will need to include grouping of operations in you combinations. I would suggest a recursive function for this:

def calcAll(*values,seen=None):
    seen = seen or set()
    if len(values) == 2:
        a,b  = values
        a,sa = (a[0],f"({a[1]})") if isinstance(a,tuple) else (a,str(a))
        b,sb = (b[0],f"({b[1]})") if isinstance(b,tuple) else (b,str(b))
        if a>b : a,sa, b,sb = b,sb, a,sa
        if (a,b) in seen or seen.add((a,b)) :return                
        yield a+b, f"{sa}+{sb}"
        yield a*b, f"{sa}*{sb}"
        yield a-b, f"{sa}-{sb}"
        yield b-a, f"{sb}-{sa}"
        if b != 0 and a%b==0: yield a//b, f"{sa}/{sb}"
        if a != 0 and b%a==0: yield b//a, f"{sb}/{sa}"
    pairs = ((i,j) for i in range(len(values)-1) for j in range(i+1,len(values)))
    for i,j in pairs:
        rest = [*values]
        a,b  = rest.pop(j),rest.pop(i)
        for paired in calcAll(a,b,seen=seen):            
            for result in calcAll(paired,*rest):
               if result in seen or seen.add(result): continue
               yield result


# distinct positive solutions sorted by result
for r,sr in sorted(calcAll(3,4,1)):
    if r>0: print(sr,"=",r)

(1*4)-3 = 1
4-(3/1) = 1
(4/1)-3 = 1
(4-3)*1 = 1
4/(1+3) = 1
4-(1*3) = 1
(4-3)/1 = 1
1/(4-3) = 1
3/(4-1) = 1
(1+3)/4 = 1
(4-1)/3 = 1
1-(3-4) = 2
4-(3-1) = 2
(1+4)-3 = 2
(1-3)+4 = 2
(4-3)+1 = 2
4/(3-1) = 2
(4-1)+3 = 6
(3-1)+4 = 6
3-(1-4) = 6
4-(1-3) = 6
(4+3)-1 = 6
(1*4)+3 = 7
(3/1)+4 = 7
(4/1)+3 = 7
(1*3)+4 = 7
(4+3)/1 = 7
(4+3)*1 = 7
(1+4)+3 = 8
(1+3)+4 = 8
(3-1)*4 = 8
(4+3)+1 = 8
(4-1)*3 = 9
(4*3)-1 = 11
(1*4)*3 = 12
(4*3)*1 = 12
(4*3)/1 = 12
(1*3)*4 = 12
(3/1)*4 = 12
(4/1)*3 = 12
(4*3)+1 = 13
(1+4)*3 = 15
(1+3)*4 = 16

If you only want the distinct positive results:

print( set(r for r,_ in calcAll(3,4,1) if r>0) )
{1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16}

The function also works for larger lists of numbers:

# one solution for each positive result of operations between 4 numbers
for r,sr in sorted(dict(calcAll(1,2,3,4)).items()):
    if r>0: print(sr,"=",r)
(2/1)+(3-4) = 1
(2-1)-(3-4) = 2
(2/1)-(3-4) = 3
(4*3)/(2+1) = 4
((4*3)/2)-1 = 5
(4*3)/(2/1) = 6
((4*3)/2)+1 = 7
(4+3)-(1-2) = 8
(4*3)-(2+1) = 9
(4*3)-(2/1) = 10
(1-2)+(4*3) = 11
(4*3)/(2-1) = 12
(4*3)-(1-2) = 13
(2/1)+(4*3) = 14
(2+1)+(4*3) = 15
(1+(4+3))*2 = 16
(3*(4+2))-1 = 17
(3/1)*(4+2) = 18
(3*(4+2))+1 = 19
((3*2)-1)*4 = 20
(2+1)*(4+3) = 21
((4*3)-1)*2 = 22
(2*(4*3))-1 = 23
(2/1)*(4*3) = 24
(2*(4*3))+1 = 25
(1+(4*3))*2 = 26
(1+(4*2))*3 = 27
(1+(3*2))*4 = 28
(4+1)*(3*2) = 30
(3+1)*(4*2) = 32
(2+1)*(4*3) = 36        

And also for duplicate numbers:

for r,sr in sorted(dict(calcAll(3,3,3)).items()):
    if r>0: print(sr,"=",r)

3-(3/3) = 2
3/(3/3) = 3
(3/3)+3 = 4
(3*3)-3 = 6
(3+3)+3 = 9
(3*3)+3 = 12
(3+3)*3 = 18
(3*3)*3 = 27


Here's a solution that uses itertools to generate each combination of two operators and Python's eval to evaluate the string.

from itertools import product
ops = ['+', '-', '*', '/']
nums = [3, 4, 0]

combos = product(ops, repeat=2)
for expr in combos:
        eval_me = f'{nums[0]} {expr[0]} {nums[1]} {expr[1]} {nums[2]}'
            result = eval(eval_me)
            print (f'{eval_me} = {result}')
        except ZeroDivisionError as e:
            print (f'expression "{eval_me}" caused an exception: {e}')

With 4 operators, we have 4 * 4 = 16 results.

Here are the results:

3 + 4 + 0 = 7
3 + 4 - 0 = 7
3 + 4 * 0 = 3
expression "3 + 4 / 0" caused an exception: division by zero
3 - 4 + 0 = -1
3 - 4 - 0 = -1
3 - 4 * 0 = 3
expression "3 - 4 / 0" caused an exception: division by zero
3 * 4 + 0 = 12
3 * 4 - 0 = 12
3 * 4 * 0 = 0
expression "3 * 4 / 0" caused an exception: division by zero
3 / 4 + 0 = 0.75
3 / 4 - 0 = 0.75
3 / 4 * 0 = 0.0
expression "3 / 4 / 0" caused an exception: float division by zero


You can use

nums = [34, 12, 6]

itertools.combinations_with_replacement(ops_lis, len(nums) - 1)

You can use the following to get all permutations for the operands:


You can then build all possible expressions using three nested loops and use eval() to evaluate the expressions.

to get all combinations of operators.


here is my quick solution. I am making use of np.nan which after any computation will stay as np.nan so we can identify combinations which does not satisfy condition.

import numpy as np
import itertools

def plus(a, b):
    return a + b

def minus(a, b):
    return a - b

def mult(a, b):
    return a * b

def div(a, b):
    if b!=0:
        if a%b==0:
            return a//b
    return np.nan

def combinations(nums, funcs):
    t = []
    for i in range(len(nums)-1):
    return list(itertools.product(*t))

def solve(instance):
    instance = list(instance)
    for i in range(len(instance)//2):
        b = instance.pop()
        func = instance.pop()
        a = instance.pop()
        instance.append(func(a, b))
    return instance[0]

def main():
    a = [1, 3 ,4]
    func = [plus, minus, mult, div]
    combs = combinations(a, func)
    solutions = [solve(i) for i in combs]
    for i, j in zip(combs, solutions):
        print(i, j)

if __name__ == "__main__":

It is solving operations from right to left but you can change to solve function as you wish.

