Serialize XML with XML string

旧时模样 提交于 2021-01-21 07:43:48


I have to produce the following XML

            <random>This could be any rondom piece of unknown xml</random>

I have mapped this to a class, with a body property of type string.

If I set the body to the string value: "<random>This could be any rondom piece of unknown xml</random>"

The string gets encoded during serialization. How can I not encode the string so that it gets written as raw XML?

I will also want to be able to deserialize this.


XmlSerializer will simply not trust you to produce valid xml from a string. If you want a member to be ad-hoc xml, it must be something like XmlElement. For example:

public XmlElement Body {get;set;}

with Body an XmlElement named random with InnerText of "This could be any rondom piece of unknown xml" would work.

public class Outer
    public Inner Inner { get; set; }
public class Inner
    public XmlElement Body { get; set; }

static class Program
    static void Main()
        var doc = new XmlDocument();
           "<random>This could be any rondom piece of unknown xml</random>");
        var obj = new Outer {Inner = new Inner { Body = doc.DocumentElement }};

        new XmlSerializer(obj.GetType()).Serialize(Console.Out, obj);

