I'm currently having 2 organizations inside my Hyperledger Fabric, and I'm accessing both of the organizations using generated API by composer-rest-server
According to my understanding, Hyperledger Fabric
keeps its states inside couchdb
and keeping its ledger
in every organizations thus providing integrity.
The problem is let's say, when I try to change some sort of data directly in couchdb
using cURL
method on org2
, it shows lack of data integrity. for example :
This Data
"_id":"\u0000Asset:org.hospital.record.DataMedis\u0000001\u0000","_rev":"2-e590415fbc6092dc3ddc0b5271bab524","$class":"org.hospital.record.DataMedis","$registryId":"org.hospital.record.DataMedis","$registryType":"Asset","alasanMasuk":"string","alasanPulang":"string","anamnesis":"string","diagnosaPrimer":"DBD Tingkat I","diagnosaSekunder":"string","dokter":"resource:org.hospital.record.Dokter#001","idRekMedis":"001","kondisiSaatPulang":"string","noRekMedis":"000001","pasien":"resource:org.hospital.record.Pasien#001","pemeriksaanFisik":"string","prognosaPenyakit":"string","rencanaTindakLanjut":"string","riwayatAlergi":"string","rujukan":"string","terapiDiRs":"string","tglKeluar":"string","tglMasuk":"string","tindakan":"string","~version":"\u0000CgMBDQA="
Changing the diagnosis into this Data
The result is the data between org1
and org2
isn't identical anymore. Here's the result using GET
method from the composer-rest-server
Is there any way I can maintain its data integrity when someone attacking directly to my couchdb
? or is there any configuration should I make to composer-rest-server
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
The state database is not the source of truth; the actual ledger is. The state database is really a persistent cache for the last known value of each key.
As alluded to by @risabh, endorsement policies are used to determine updates to state. So the next time there is a transaction which changes that state, as long as the endorsement policy is satisfied the "modified" key's latest value will be overwritten by the new value.
Cant comment so adding here.
When you would try to add data for the same key again trough an invoke txn there would be an endorsement failure message from the peer for which the data is changed.This shows there is a miss match in read write set and the data is tampered.