Access environment variables stored in Google Secret Manager from Google Cloud Build

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-01-04 05:40:12


How can I access the variables I define in Google Secret Manager from my Google Cloud Build Pipeline ?


You can access to secret from Cloud Build by using the standard Cloud Builder gcloud

But, there is 2 issues:

  1. If you want to use the secret value in another Cloud Build step, you have to store your secret in a file, the only way to reuse a previous value from one step to another one
  2. The current Cloud Builder gcloud isn't up to date (today, 03 feb 2020). You have to add a gcloud component update for using the correct version. I opened an issue for this.
    - name:
      entrypoint: "bash"
          - "-c"
          - |
              gcloud components update
              # Store the secret is a temporary file
              gcloud beta secrets versions access --secret=MySecretName latest > my-secret-file.txt
    - name: AnotherCloudBuildStepImage
      entrypoint: "bash"
          - "-c"
          - |
              # For getting the secret and pass it to a command/script
              ./ $(cat my-secret-file.txt)

Think to grant the role Secret Manager Secret Accessor roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor to the Cloud Build default service account <PROJECT_ID>


You can access to the secret from anywhere, either with the gcloud CLI installed (and initialized with a service account authorized to access secrets) or via API call

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \

Note: You recieve the secret in the data field, in base64 encoded format. Don't forget to decode it before using it!

You have to generate an access token on a service account with the correct role granted. Here I use again gcloud, because it's easier. But according with your platform, use the most appropriate method. A python script can also do the job.

