Computer Vision Resources

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Computer Vision Resources

 Published: 12 Sep 2015  Category: computer_vision


Mobile Computer Vision (Spring 2015)

CSCI1950-G Computational Photography

MIT CSAIL: 6.819/6.869: Advances in Computer Vision (Fall 2015)

EECS 432 Advanced Computer Vision

EECS 286 Advanced Topics in Computer Vision

CS280: Computer Vision (University of California Berkeley)

CSCI2951-T Data-driven Computer Vision (Spring 2016)

Edge detection


Images Denoising

Fast Burst Images Denoising(SIGGRAPH Asia 2014. CUHK, Microsoft Research)

Robust non-linear regression analysis: A greedy approach employing kernels and application to image denoising (KGARD)

Blind Image Denoising via Dependent Dirichlet Process Tree


Good Regions to Deblur


Real-Time Gradient-Domain Painting (SIGGRAPH 2009)

Combining Sketch and Tone for Pencil Drawing Production (NPAR 2012 Best Paper Award)

RGB-W: When Vision Meets Wireless

Computer Vision Datasets

A Computational Approach for Obstruction-Free Photography

My Text in Your Handwriting

Bag Of Words

Activity Recognition

Latent Hierarchical Model for Activity Recognition

License Plate Recognition

Reading Car License Plates Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and LSTMs

Image Retrieval

Multi-modal image retrieval with random walk on multi-layer graphs

Image Summary

Summarizing Visual Data Using Bidirectional Similarity

Image Retargeting/Editing

PatchMatch: A Randomized Correspondence Algorithm for Structural Image Editing

The Generalized PatchMatch Correspondence Algorithm

Image Editing

Seamless Image Editing

Image Inpaiting

Patch-based Texture Synthesis for Image Inpainting

Image Dithering

Image Dithering: Eleven Algorithms and Source Code

Image Enhancement

LIME: A Method for Low-light IMage Enhancement

SelPh: Progressive Learning and Support of Manual Photo Color Enhancement

Image Resizing

Image Cloning

Coordinates for Instant Image Cloning (SIGGRAPH 2009)

Image Compositing

Interactive Digital Photomontage (SIGGRAPH 2004)

Panorama Stitching

CS510 Visual Computing, Project 2: Panorama Stitching

Image Stylization

stylize: Regressor based image stylization

Image Haze Removal

Single Image Haze Removal

DehazeNet: An End-to-End System for Single Image Haze Removal

Graph Cut


“GrabCut” — Interactive Foreground Extraction using Iterated Graph Cuts

OpenCV 3.1: Interactive Foreground Extraction using GrabCut Algorithm

Image Stitching

Natural and Seamless Image Composition with Color Control

Object-aware Gradient-Domain Image Compositing

Improving Image Matting using Comprehensive Sampling Sets

Multi-scale Image Harmonization

Drag-and-Drop Pasting

Cross Dissolve Without Cross Fade: Preserving Contrast, Color and Salience in Image Compositing

Snap Image Composition

Stitching Stabilizer: Two-frame-stitching Video Stabilization for Embedded Systems

Stitching and Matting

Image Stitching

Graphics isn’t all about 3-D

Assignment: Image stitching with RANSAC

OpenCV panorama stitching

Real-time panorama and image stitching with OpenCV

Image Super-Resolution

Super-Resolution From a Single Image

Aperture-scanning Fourier ptychography for 3D refocusing and super-resolution macroscopic imaging

Single Image Super-Resolution from Transformed Self-Exemplars

Photo Collage

AutoCollage (SIGGRAPH 2006)

Picture Collage (2006)

Picture Collage (2009)

Efficient Optimization of Photo Collage

Video Collage

Video collage: A novel presentation of video sequence (ICME 2007)

Stained-Glass Visualization for Highly Condensed Video Summaries (ICME 2004)

Stained Glass Photo Collages

Visual Storylines: Semantic Visualization of Movie Sequence

Video collage: presenting a video sequence using a single image

Efficient Optimization of Photo Collage

Puzzle-like Collage (2010)

Browsing Large Image Datasets through Voronoi Diagrams;jsessionid=576998825C3E40A32826A00B64089DF6?doi=

Content-aware Photo Collage Using Circle Packing (NJU. TVCG 2014)

Automatic Generation of Social Media Snippets for Mobile Browsing (Microsoft Research. ACM Multimedia 2013)

Video Tapestry

Digital Tapestry (MSR. CVPR 2005)

  • intro: “formulates the selection of salient regions and their placement together as a Markov random field (MRF) problem. Each image is represented as a set of blocks, and the multiple-class labeling problem with non-metric constraints is optimized by “truncating” the non-regular energy. However, artifacts are also introduced along the boundaries of neighboring salient regions coming from two different images in digital tapestry, although some artifact removal methods can be used”
  • homepage:
  • paper:

Video Tapestries with Continuous Temporal Zoom (Princeton. SIGGRAPH 2010)

Video Creativity

6 Seconds of Sound and Vision: Creativity in Micro-Videos (CVPR 2014)

Video Highlights

Ranking Domain-specific Highlights by Analyzing Edited Videos (ECCV 2014)

Salient Montages from Unconstrained Videos

Video Summarization

Creating Summaries from User Videos (ECCV 2014)

Joint Summarization of Large-scale Collections of Web Images and Videos for Storyline Reconstruction

Video Summarization by Learning Submodular Mixtures of Objectives (CVPR 2015)

TVSum: Summarizing Web Videos Using Titles

Summarizing While Recording: Context-Based Highlight Detection for Egocentric Videos

Face Detection

Build a Face Detection App Using Node.js and OpenCV

FaceTracker: Real time deformable face tracking in C++ with OpenCV 2

A Fast and Accurate Unconstrained Face Detector

libfacedetection: A binary library for face detection in images. You can use it free of charge with any purpose

jQuery Face Detection Plugin: A jQuery plugin to detect faces on images, videos and canvases


Surround360 System: Facebook’s open source hardware and software for capturing stereoscopic 3D 360 video for VR


Why SLAM Matters, The Future of Real-Time SLAM, and Deep Learning vs SLAM


PySceneDetect: a command-line application and a Python library for automatically detecting scene changes in video files

The Future of Real-Time SLAM and Deep Learning vs SLAM

Awesome SLAM

ORB-SLAM2: Real-Time SLAM for Monocular, Stereo and RGB-D Cameras, with Loop Detection and Relocalization Capabilities


Ocular: a state-of-the-art historical OCR system

【OCR/机器学习/搜索引擎】基于 Tesseract的图文识别搜


Are Elephants Bigger than Butterflies? Reasoning about Sizes of Objects

Atoms of recognition in human and computer vision

Live Texturing of Augmented Reality Characters from Colored Drawings

Colorization for Image Compression

Face2Face: Real-time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos


Target acquired: Finding targets in drone and quadcopter video streams using Python and OpenCV

FaceDirector: Continuous Control of Facial Performance in Video

Real-time Expression Transfer for Facial Reenactment

Photo Stylistic Brush: Robust Style Transfer via Superpixel-Based Bipartite Graph


OpenBR: Open Source Biometrics, Face Recognition, Age Estimation, Gender Estimation




Awesome Computer Vision

Resources: Visual Recognition and Search


BoofCV: an open source Java library for real-time computer vision and robotics applications

tracking.js: A modern approach for Computer Vision on the web

FastCV Computer Vision SDK

Video++, a C++14 high performance video and image processing library

VLFeat – Vision Lab Features Library

  • intro: Algorithms include Fisher Vector, VLAD, SIFT, MSER, k-means, hierarchical k-means, agglomerative information bottleneck, SLIC superpixels, quick shift superpixels, large scale SVM training, and many others
  • homapage:
  • github:


CVonline: Image Databases

Yet Another Computer Vision Index To Datasets (YACVID)


From feature descriptors to deep learning: 20 years of computer vision

**Unsupervised Computer Vision: The State of the Art Stitch Fix Technology – Multithreaded**

Exploring Computer Vision


SIGGRAPH 2016 papers on the web


The Ultimate List of 300+ Computer Vision Resources
