Simplifying `if…elif..else` conditions

落花浮王杯 提交于 2020-12-26 11:06:30


If I have multiple conditions (nested and/or otherwise) with boolean (either False or True) outputs; how could I further simplify the code and make it more efficient, comprehensive, and elegant?

For example, under such circumstances as follows:

if condition_1:
    if condition_2:
        # do one thing
    elif condition_3:
        # do another thing
        # do a third thing

elif condition_2:
    if condition_3:
        # do a fourth thing

and so on.

It's a exam project of mine, so not get too much help, I'll try and explain what my code should do. I basically want to go through a dataset, looking for different things. Lets say its a dictionary, like this:

myDict = {'a': ['b', 'c'], 'b': ['c', 'd']}

If I go through the dict:

for item, element in myDict.items():
    for letter in element:
        if letter == 'd':
            dflag = True
        if letter == 'c':
            cflag = True

    if cflag:
        if dflag:
            print('only c')


Using 'if', 'elif', and 'else' is not bad if it is done efficiently. But in general, the answer to your question would really depend upon individual circumstances.

Having said that, however, one way to do it would be to put your conditions inside a dict (as highlighted by yourself in the tags).

Here are a few examples:

As a dict:

conditions = {
    1: 'One',
    2: 'Two',
    3: 'Three',
    4: 'Four',
    5: lambda x: x**2  # Can be substituted with actual functions defined elsewhere.

x = 3

if x in conditions.keys():



or in the case of a function:

x = 5

if x in conditions.keys():
    func = conditions[x]



Using a function to resemble

To make it even clearer, and have something like a statement, you can do this:

def switch(case):
    conditions = {
        1: 'One',
        2: 'Two',
        3: 'Three',
        4: 'Four',
        5: lambda x: x**2  

    return condition[case] if case in conditions else False

It is ran like so:

>>> print(switch(2))

or for a non-existent items:

>>> print(switch(6))

Implementation on your example: function decorator (wrapper)

So to address the example you have added, we can do as follows:

First we need a general switch/case decorator:

def switch_case(switch):
    def switcher(func):
        def case(case):
            return switch[case](case) if case in switch else None
        return case 
    return switcher

Then we need a dictionary of our conditions, which are the one given in your example:

# Define the conditions in a dict.
conditions = {
    'd': lambda x: True if 'd' else False,  # You can say: True if 'a' or 'b' else False
    'c': lambda x: True if 'c' else False  

Now we Create a decorated switch-case function based on your conditions:

def my_conditions(case):
    return case

Then we specify the elements, or read them from a file, database or anything:

# Elements to be tested as string.
# It can be any flattened (not nested) iterable (str, tuple, list, numpy.array, etc.)
myDict = {'a': ['b', 'c'], 'b': ['c', 'd']}
elements = sum(myDict.values(), [])  # Returns a flattened lists of values. 

Evaluate the elements based on the conditions (generator object).

verdicts = map(my_conditions, elements)

Match the elements to the corresponding evaluation results (generator object).

status = zip(elements, verdicts)

Now we can positively regulate the outputs (discard None vlues) and create a dict in which the keys are the elements, and the values are the status of their conditions.

passed = {key+'flag': val for key, val in status if val is not None}

# output: {'cflag': True, 'dflag': True}

Add as variables to the namespace

At this point, you can use the dict as is; however, if you insist on adding it to the namespace, here is how:

# Rename values and add them to the name space.


Finally, let's test and ensure the values exist in the local namespace (notice that we haven't implemented any of these names before). So, if the condition returned a True value for the particular character in the sequence, a variable would have been created:

>>> print(dflag)  # We had 'd' in `myDict` values.

On the other had, if the condition returned None, there will be no value in the namespace.

>>> print(aflag)  # We didn't have 'a' in `myDict` values.
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-25-26f7e9594747> in <module>()
---> 25 print(aflag)

NameError: name 'aflag' is not defined

Note: Under the existing structure, if the condition returns False, a variable will be created in the namespace and assigned a value of False.

Hope this helps.


Your code here about as simple as you can get.

The one way you can condense is by changing the last branch from:

elif flag2:
    if flag3:
        do a fourth thing


elif flag2 and flag3:
    do a fourth thing


Have you considered refactoring? A well written function should do one thing, the fact you have three flags indicates this block of code is going to be doing AT LEAST 3 things, which brings in a lot of headaches for testing, code readability etc.

Are you sure this couldn't be refactored into three or more methods, check for the flags at the beginning and launch the corresponding methods.


You can use an iterator over flags. A dictionary could work too, depending on what your flags are, but it wouldn't really help if your flags are something like x==1, y==10, z=='a' that could all evaluate to a True or False only (because the keys can only be unique). If your flags are in the form of a == b you'd probably have to go with some sort of iterator.

def f(): print('f')
def g(): print('g')
def h(): print('h')

y = 3
x = 2

flags = [
    # Outer condition
    (y==1, (
        # Inner conditions and actions
        (x==1, f), (x==2, g), (x==3, h)
    (y==3, (
        (x==1, g), (x==2, f), (x==3, h)
# Using next ensures that the rest of the flags/actions aren't even evaluated,
# the same way an if/elif would work
_, inner_flags_and_actions = next(
   (flag, inner) for (flag, inner) in flags if flag
_, action = next(
    (flag, action) for (flag, action) in inner_flags_and_actions if flag

# By now you have reached the action you want to take.

This prints: f


You can use a dict :

d = { (False, False, False) : f1,
(False, False, True) : f2,
(False, True, False) : f3,
(False, True, True) : f4

Then call d[(flag1,flag2,flag3)]() This is if you need an industrial amount of if/elses, otherwise just try to make the right simplifications.

Of course, if you are testing agains the same entry variable, or applying the same function with different parameters as output, then you can simplify even more by replacing booleans and functions with actual data.

