How to execute multiple inserts in batch in r2dbc?

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-12-15 05:44:17


I need to insert multiple rows into one table in one batch. In DatabaseClient i found insert() statement and using(Publisher objectToInsert) method which has multiple objects as argument. But would it insert them in one batch or not? Another possible solution is connection.createBatch(), but it has a drowback : I cannot pass my Entity object there and i cannot generate sql query from the entity.

So, is it possible to create batch insert in r2dbc?


There are two questions:

Would DatabaseClient.insert() insert them in one batch or not?

Not a batch.

Is it possible to create batch insert in r2dbc? (except Connection.createBatch())

No, use Connection.createBatch() is only one way to create a Batch for now.

See also issues: spring-data-r2dbc#259


There is no direct support till now, but I found it is possible to use Connection to overcome this barrier simply, check out this issue, spring-data-r2dbc#259

The statement has a add to repeat to bind parameters.

The complete codes of my solution can be found here.

        return this.databaseClient.inConnectionMany(connection -> {

            var statement = connection.createStatement("INSERT INTO  posts (title, content) VALUES ($1, $2)")

            for (var p : data) {
                statement.bind(0, p.getTitle()).bind(1, p.getContent()).add();

            return Flux.from(statement.execute()).flatMap(result ->, rowMetadata) -> row.get("id", UUID.class)));

A test for this method.

    public void testSaveAll() {

        var data = Post.builder().title("test").content("content").build();
        var data1 = Post.builder().title("test1").content("content1").build();

        var result = posts.saveAll(List.of(data, data1)).log("[Generated result]")
                .doOnNext(id->"generated id: {}", id));


The generated ids are printed as expected in the console.

2020-10-08 11:29:19,662 INFO [reactor-tcp-nio-2] reactor.util.Loggers$Slf4JLogger:274 onNext(a3105647-a4bc-4986-9ad4-1e6de901449f)
2020-10-08 11:29:19,664 INFO [reactor-tcp-nio-2] com.example.demo.PostRepositoryTest:31 generated id: a3105647-a4bc-4986-9ad4-1e6de901449f
2020-10-08 11:29:19,671 INFO [reactor-tcp-nio-2] reactor.util.Loggers$Slf4JLogger:274 onNext(a611d766-f983-4c8e-9dc9-fc78775911e5)
2020-10-08 11:29:19,671 INFO [reactor-tcp-nio-2] com.example.demo.PostRepositoryTest:31 generated id: a611d766-f983-4c8e-9dc9-fc78775911e5

Process finished with exit code 0

