I'm building the lambda on Ubuntu with the basic example. It builds without any errors but if I upload and test it on aws in crashes with:
"errorMessage": "RequestId: 7f4d0aca-125c-4032-98dd-9ff387e5252b Error: Runtime exited with error: exit status 1",
"errorType": "Runtime.ExitError"
The log output is:
RequestId: 7f4d0aca-125c-4032-98dd-9ff387e5252b
Version: $LATEST.~.jwtauthorizeraws.jwtauthorizerawsapplication: /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by ./~.jwtauthorizerawsapplication)
RequestId: 7f4d0aca-125c-4032-98dd-9ff387e5252b
RequestId: 7f4d0aca-125c-4032-98dd-9ff387e5252b
Duration: 56.02 ms
Billed Duration: 57 ms
Memory Size: 128 MB
Max Memory Used: 7 MB
RequestId: 7f4d0aca-125c-4032-98dd-9ff387e5252b
Error: Runtime exited with error: exit status 1
the environment you are executing the seems doesn't provide a Glibc version in version 2.32.
This can have several problems: the version of your the Lambda env is older, or it doesn't provide an GlibC at all (which can be the case).
if you application would be pure java (without creating an native app via graal) it would run since the java app itself doesn't depend a version of GLibC, the requirment comes from the native app.