Unknown regularizer: L2 in tensorflowjs

拟墨画扇 提交于 2020-12-12 10:54:34


I have trained a model in python using model

reg = 0.000001
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(24, activation='tanh', name='input_dense', input_shape=input_shape))
model.add(GRU(24, activation='tanh', recurrent_activation='sigmoid', return_sequences=True, kernel_regularizer=regularizers.l2(reg), recurrent_regularizer=regularizers.l2(reg), reset_after=False))
model.add(Dense(2, activation='softmax'))

But when I converted this model using "tensorflowjs_converter --input_format keras" and loaded in browser getting error

Unhandled Rejection (Error): Unknown regularizer: L2. This may be due to one of the following reasons:

  1. The regularizer is defined in Python, in which case it needs to be ported to TensorFlow.js or your JavaScript code.
  2. The custom regularizer is defined in JavaScript, but is not registered properly with tf.serialization.registerClass().

The model.json file content is

 "format": "layers-model",
 "generatedBy": "keras v2.4.0",
 "convertedBy": "TensorFlow.js Converter v2.3.0",
 "modelTopology": {
  "keras_version": "2.4.0",
  "backend": "tensorflow",
  "model_config": {
   "class_name": "Sequential",
   "config": {
    "name": "sequential",
    "layers": [
      "class_name": "InputLayer",
      "config": {
       "batch_input_shape": [null, 22, 13],
       "dtype": "float32",
       "sparse": false,
       "ragged": false,
       "name": "input_dense_input"
      "class_name": "Dense",
      "config": {
       "name": "input_dense",
       "trainable": true,
       "batch_input_shape": [null, 22, 13],
       "dtype": "float32",
       "units": 24,
       "activation": "tanh",
       "use_bias": true,
       "kernel_initializer": {
        "class_name": "GlorotUniform",
        "config": { "seed": null }
       "bias_initializer": { "class_name": "Zeros", "config": {} },
       "kernel_regularizer": null,
       "bias_regularizer": null,
       "activity_regularizer": null,
       "kernel_constraint": null,
       "bias_constraint": null
      "class_name": "GRU",
      "config": {
       "name": "gru",
       "trainable": true,
       "dtype": "float32",
       "return_sequences": true,
       "return_state": false,
       "go_backwards": false,
       "stateful": false,
       "unroll": false,
       "time_major": false,
       "units": 24,
       "activation": "tanh",
       "recurrent_activation": "sigmoid",
       "use_bias": true,
       "kernel_initializer": {
        "class_name": "GlorotUniform",
        "config": { "seed": null }
       "recurrent_initializer": {
        "class_name": "Orthogonal",
        "config": { "gain": 1.0, "seed": null }
       "bias_initializer": { "class_name": "Zeros", "config": {} },
       "kernel_regularizer": {
        "class_name": "L2",
        "config": { "l2": 9.999999974752427e-7 }
       "recurrent_regularizer": {
        "class_name": "L2",
        "config": { "l2": 9.999999974752427e-7 }
       "bias_regularizer": null,
       "activity_regularizer": null,
       "kernel_constraint": null,
       "recurrent_constraint": null,
       "bias_constraint": null,
       "dropout": 0.0,
       "recurrent_dropout": 0.0,
       "implementation": 2,
       "reset_after": false
      "class_name": "Flatten",
      "config": {
       "name": "flatten",
       "trainable": true,
       "dtype": "float32",
       "data_format": "channels_last"
      "class_name": "Dense",
      "config": {
       "name": "dense",
       "trainable": true,
       "dtype": "float32",
       "units": 2,
       "activation": "softmax",
       "use_bias": true,
       "kernel_initializer": {
        "class_name": "GlorotUniform",
        "config": { "seed": null }
       "bias_initializer": { "class_name": "Zeros", "config": {} },
       "kernel_regularizer": null,
       "bias_regularizer": null,
       "activity_regularizer": null,
       "kernel_constraint": null,
       "bias_constraint": null
  "training_config": {
   "loss": "categorical_crossentropy",
   "metrics": ["accuracy"],
   "weighted_metrics": null,
   "loss_weights": null,
   "optimizer_config": {
    "class_name": "Nadam",
    "config": {
     "name": "Nadam",
     "learning_rate": 0.0020000000949949026,
     "decay": 0.004000000189989805,
     "beta_1": 0.8999999761581421,
     "beta_2": 0.9990000128746033,
     "epsilon": 1e-7
 "weightsManifest": [
   "paths": ["group1-shard1of1.bin"],
   "weights": [
    { "name": "dense/kernel", "shape": [528, 2], "dtype": "float32" },
    { "name": "dense/bias", "shape": [2], "dtype": "float32" },
    { "name": "gru/gru_cell/kernel", "shape": [24, 72], "dtype": "float32" },
     "name": "gru/gru_cell/recurrent_kernel",
     "shape": [24, 72],
     "dtype": "float32"
    { "name": "gru/gru_cell/bias", "shape": [72], "dtype": "float32" },
    { "name": "input_dense/kernel", "shape": [13, 24], "dtype": "float32" },
    { "name": "input_dense/bias", "shape": [24], "dtype": "float32" }


Option 1

There are no classes L1 and L2; they are just interfaces(more here)

There is a class L1L2 which will take the config and return the right regularizer. You can manually replace all occurences of L2 to L1L2.

Option 2

Register a class L2

class L2 {

    static className = 'L2';

    constructor(config) {
       return tf.regularizers.l1l2(config)

// now load the model

