when I use
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
I get interactive plots, i.e. I can also zoom into the figure.
For julia this command does not seem to exist. Any ideas?
You can get interactive plots by using Plotly, either directly with Plotly.jl or through its Plots backend.
Today I am thinking about how to enlarge the plot window interactively without referring to python
or plotly
or something else in Jupiter notebook. And I find a good solution. It is to use the package Interact
. A simple example is as follows. You can get an interactive plot in 3 lines.
import Pkg; Pkg.add("Interact")
using LinearAlgebra, Plots, Interact
@manipulate for n in 10:100, w in 200:1000, h in 200:1000
plot(randn(n),randn(n),seriestype=:scatter,label="n=$(n)",size = (w, h))
The result looks like this