According to the Apache Cordova blog, iframes may not work using WKWebView. (https://cordova.apache.org/news/2018/08/01/future-cordova-ios-webview.html)
I have a Cordova application that is in the App Store that relies quite heavily on iframes. Since UIWebView is likely to be removed in iOS 13, is there a way to get iframes working using WKWebView?
Here's what I've done so far:
I tried using the Ionic WebView plugin (https://github.com/ionic-team/cordova-plugin-ionic-webview), and although it works for parts of my app it does not work on the iframe pages. Specifically, I'm getting Access-Control-Allow-Origin header contains the invalid value 'null'. I don't get this error using UIWebView.
Add this to your Cordova config.xml
<allow-navigation href="http://*.yourdomain.com/*" />
It will allow your HTML pages, no matter root documents or children in the iframe, to redirect from localhost to a remote URL.
Add this in your config.xml
<allow-navigation href="*" />
Then build your ios platform
I ran into this issue also in my Cordova apps, and have found a workaround. It involves writing content directly to the iframe, rather than giving it a src="...". This way, iframe runs as same-origin as parent.
(Iframes do work in WkWebView; it's just that anything loaded via src="file://..."
[e.g. all local app files] are treated as unique-origin, so tends to screw up any cross-frame JavaScript.)
function frameEl_injectHtml(frameEl, injectHtml) {
// frameEl must exist in DOM before its contentWindow is accessible.
if (!frameEl.contentWindow) { alert("frameInjectHtml() but frameEl not (yet or anymore) in DOM."); return; }
// Create <frame>, insert into DOM, and inject content.
var frameHtml = "<html><head></head>" +
"<body>" +
"iframe body" +
"<script>window.parent.alert('iframe even same-origin as parent.');</script>" +
var frameEl = document.createElement('iframe');
frameEl.src = "about:blank";
frameEl_injectHtml(frameEl, frameHtml);