Got this debug info when debug a today extension app
"host connection < NSXPCConnection: 0x170113560 > connection from pid 53 invalidated"
does anyone know what this means? it shows almost every time when "widgetPerformUpdateWithCompletionHandler" called.
NSXPCConnection API is used to perform interprocess connection between Xcode client and your app on iPhone. So you do not need to worry about this one.
Link: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPSystemStartup/Chapters/CreatingXPCServices.html
So there may be 2 reasons that your widget is terminated.
You need to call completionHandler(NCUpdateResultNoData); right after your widgetPerformUpdateWithCompletionHandler has been called even when the response hasn't been returned.
Your app is terminated because of the automatic app termination. It terminates the widgets/apps for 2 reasons:
a. It terminates apps that are not being used and allowing the reclamation of resources such as memory.
b. It terminates widgets that use too much memory.