- 许多网站上有专门的反爬虫措施,可能遇到封IP等问题
- 互联网上公开了大量免费代理,利用好资源
- 通过定时的检测维护同样可以得到多个可用代理
- 多站抓取
- 异步检测
- 定时筛选
- 持续更新
- 提供接口
- 易于提取
# ProxyPool此代理池在获取IP的时候使用了pop方法一次性使用,如果是想多次可用可以移步优化后的代理池:[https://github.com/Python3WebSpider/ProxyPool],推荐使用。 ## 安装 (1)安装Python,至少Python3.5以上 (2)安装Redis,安装好之后将Redis服务开启 ## 配置代理池 进入proxypool目录,修改settings.py文件:PASSWORD为Redis密码,如果为空,则设置为None ## 安装依赖 aiohttp>=1.3.3 Flask>=0.11.1 redis>=2.10.5 requests>=2.13.0 pyquery>=1.2.17 ## 打开代理池和API 直接运行:run.py ## 获取代理:利用requests获取方法如下 import requests PROXY_POOL_URL = 'http://localhost:5000/get' def get_proxy(): try: response = requests.get(PROXY_POOL_URL) if response.status_code == 200: return response.text except ConnectionError: return None ## 各模块功能 (1) getter.py 爬虫模块 * class proxypool.getter.FreeProxyGetter > 爬虫类,用于抓取代理源网站的代理,用户可复写和补充抓取规则。 (2) schedule.py 调度器模块 * class proxypool.schedule.ValidityTester > 异步检测类,可以对给定的代理的可用性进行异步检测。 * class proxypool.schedule.PoolAdder > 代理添加器,用来触发爬虫模块,对代理池内的代理进行补充,代理池代理数达到阈值时停止工作。 * class proxypool.schedule.Schedule > 代理池启动类,运行RUN函数时,会创建两个进程,负责对代理池内容的增加和更新。 (3) db.py Redis数据库连接模块 * class proxypool.db.RedisClient > 数据库操作类,维持与Redis的连接和对数据库的增删查该, (4) error.py 异常模块 * class proxypool.error.ResourceDepletionError > 资源枯竭异常,如果从所有抓取网站都抓不到可用的代理资源,则抛出此异常。 * class proxypool.error.PoolEmptyError > 代理池空异常,如果代理池长时间为空,则抛出此异常。 (5) api.py API模块,启动一个Web服务器,使用Flask实现,对外提供代理的获取功能。 (6) utils.py 工具箱 (7) setting.py 设置
#整个代码的入口 from proxypool.api import app from proxypool.schedule import Schedule def main(): s = Schedule() #调度器 s.run() app.run() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
(3-3)proxypool/getter.py #爬虫模块
from .utils import get_page from pyquery import PyQuery as pq import re class ProxyMetaclass(type): """ 元类,在FreeProxyGetter类中加入 __CrawlFunc__和__CrawlFuncCount__ 两个参数,分别表示爬虫函数,和爬虫函数的数量。 """ def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): count = 0 attrs['__CrawlFunc__'] = [] for k, v in attrs.items(): if 'crawl_' in k: attrs['__CrawlFunc__'].append(k) count += 1 attrs['__CrawlFuncCount__'] = count return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) class FreeProxyGetter(object, metaclass=ProxyMetaclass): #从各大网站,免费代理抓取,元类是:ProxyMetaclass def get_raw_proxies(self, callback): #callback为获取代理的函数的名称 proxies = [] print('Callback', callback) for proxy in eval("self.{}()".format(callback)): print('Getting', proxy, 'from', callback) proxies.append(proxy) return proxies def crawl_ip181(self): start_url = 'http://www.ip181.com/' html = get_page(start_url) ip_adress = re.compile('<tr.*?>\s*<td>(.*?)</td>\s*<td>(.*?)</td>') # \s* 匹配空格,起到换行作用 re_ip_adress = ip_adress.findall(str(html)) for adress, port in re_ip_adress: result = adress + ':' + port yield result.replace(' ', '') def crawl_kuaidaili(self): for page in range(1, 4): # 国内高匿代理 start_url = 'https://www.kuaidaili.com/free/inha/{}/'.format(page) html = get_page(start_url) ip_adress = re.compile( '<td data-title="IP">(.*)</td>\s*<td data-title="PORT">(\w+)</td>' ) re_ip_adress = ip_adress.findall(str(html)) for adress, port in re_ip_adress: result = adress + ':' + port yield result.replace(' ', '') def crawl_xicidaili(self): for page in range(1, 4): start_url = 'http://www.xicidaili.com/wt/{}'.format(page) html = get_page(start_url) ip_adress = re.compile( '<td class="country"><img src="http://fs.xicidaili.com/images/flag/cn.png" alt="Cn" /></td>\s*<td>(.*?)</td>\s*<td>(.*?)</td>' ) # \s* 匹配空格,起到换行作用 re_ip_adress = ip_adress.findall(str(html)) for adress, port in re_ip_adress: result = adress + ':' + port yield result.replace(' ', '') def crawl_daili66(self, page_count=4): start_url = 'http://www.66ip.cn/{}.html' urls = [start_url.format(page) for page in range(1, page_count + 1)] for url in urls: print('Crawling', url) html = get_page(url) if html: doc = pq(html) trs = doc('.containerbox table tr:gt(0)').items() for tr in trs: ip = tr.find('td:nth-child(1)').text() port = tr.find('td:nth-child(2)').text() yield ':'.join([ip, port]) def crawl_data5u(self): for i in ['gngn', 'gnpt']: start_url = 'http://www.data5u.com/free/{}/index.shtml'.format(i) html = get_page(start_url) ip_adress = re.compile( ' <ul class="l2">\s*<span><li>(.*?)</li></span>\s*<span style="width: 100px;"><li class=".*">(.*?)</li></span>' ) # \s * 匹配空格,起到换行作用 re_ip_adress = ip_adress.findall(str(html)) for adress, port in re_ip_adress: result = adress + ':' + port yield result.replace(' ', '') def crawl_kxdaili(self): for i in range(1, 4): start_url = 'http://www.kxdaili.com/ipList/{}.html#ip'.format(i) html = get_page(start_url) ip_adress = re.compile('<tr.*?>\s*<td>(.*?)</td>\s*<td>(.*?)</td>') # \s* 匹配空格,起到换行作用 re_ip_adress = ip_adress.findall(str(html)) for adress, port in re_ip_adress: result = adress + ':' + port yield result.replace(' ', '') def crawl_premproxy(self): for i in ['China-01', 'China-02', 'China-03', 'China-04', 'Taiwan-01']: start_url = 'https://premproxy.com/proxy-by-country/{}.htm'.format( i) html = get_page(start_url) if html: ip_adress = re.compile('<td data-label="IP:port ">(.*?)</td>') re_ip_adress = ip_adress.findall(str(html)) for adress_port in re_ip_adress: yield adress_port.replace(' ', '') def crawl_xroxy(self): for i in ['CN', 'TW']: start_url = 'http://www.xroxy.com/proxylist.php?country={}'.format( i) html = get_page(start_url) if html: ip_adress1 = re.compile( "title='View this Proxy details'>\s*(.*).*") re_ip_adress1 = ip_adress1.findall(str(html)) ip_adress2 = re.compile( "title='Select proxies with port number .*'>(.*)</a>") re_ip_adress2 = ip_adress2.findall(html) for adress, port in zip(re_ip_adress1, re_ip_adress2): adress_port = adress + ':' + port yield adress_port.replace(' ', '')
(3-4)proxypool/schedule.py #调度器模块
import time from multiprocessing import Process import asyncio import aiohttp try: from aiohttp.errors import ProxyConnectionError,ServerDisconnectedError,ClientResponseError,ClientConnectorError except: from aiohttp import ClientProxyConnectionError as ProxyConnectionError,ServerDisconnectedError,ClientResponseError,ClientConnectorError from proxypool.db import RedisClient from proxypool.error import ResourceDepletionError from proxypool.getter import FreeProxyGetter from proxypool.setting import * from asyncio import TimeoutError class ValidityTester(object): test_api = TEST_API # 测试API,用百度来测试 TEST_API='http://www.baidu.com' def __init__(self): self._raw_proxies = None self._usable_proxies = [] def set_raw_proxies(self, proxies): self._raw_proxies = proxies self._conn = RedisClient() async def test_single_proxy(self, proxy): """ text one proxy, if valid, put them to usable_proxies. """ try: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: #aiohttp异步请求 try: if isinstance(proxy, bytes): proxy = proxy.decode('utf-8') real_proxy = 'http://' + proxy #设置代理,将其用于测试 print('Testing', proxy) async with session.get(self.test_api, proxy=real_proxy, timeout=get_proxy_timeout) as response: #异步请求进行测试,利用百度来进行检测 if response.status == 200: self._conn.put(proxy) #将代理加到右侧 print('Valid proxy', proxy) #有效代理 except (ProxyConnectionError, TimeoutError, ValueError): print('Invalid proxy', proxy) #无效代理 except (ServerDisconnectedError, ClientResponseError,ClientConnectorError) as s: print(s) def test(self): """ aio test all proxies. """ print('ValidityTester is working') try: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() tasks = [self.test_single_proxy(proxy) for proxy in self._raw_proxies] loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)) except ValueError: print('Async Error') class PoolAdder(object): """ add proxy to pool """ def __init__(self, threshold): self._threshold = threshold self._conn = RedisClient() self._tester = ValidityTester() self._crawler = FreeProxyGetter() #从各大网站,免费代理抓取 def is_over_threshold(self): """ judge if count is overflow. """ if self._conn.queue_len >= self._threshold: return True else: return False def add_to_queue(self): print('PoolAdder is working') proxy_count = 0 while not self.is_over_threshold(): for callback_label in range(self._crawler.__CrawlFuncCount__): #__CrawlFuncCount__只获取代理方法的数量,就是crawl开头的爬取函数 callback = self._crawler.__CrawlFunc__[callback_label] raw_proxies = self._crawler.get_raw_proxies(callback) # test crawled proxies self._tester.set_raw_proxies(raw_proxies) self._tester.test() proxy_count += len(raw_proxies) if self.is_over_threshold(): print('IP is enough, waiting to be used') break if proxy_count == 0: raise ResourceDepletionError class Schedule(object): @staticmethod def valid_proxy(cycle=VALID_CHECK_CYCLE): """ Get half of proxies which in redis """ conn = RedisClient() #建立redis数据库连接 tester = ValidityTester() while True: print('Refreshing ip') count = int(0.5 * conn.queue_len) #取出redis数据库中一半的代理 if count == 0: print('Waiting for adding') time.sleep(cycle) #等待添加可用的代理 continue raw_proxies = conn.get(count) tester.set_raw_proxies(raw_proxies) tester.test() time.sleep(cycle) @staticmethod def check_pool(lower_threshold=POOL_LOWER_THRESHOLD, upper_threshold=POOL_UPPER_THRESHOLD, cycle=POOL_LEN_CHECK_CYCLE): #从各大网站获取代理,然后检测该代理是否可用,再将可用的代理放到数据库中 """ If the number of proxies less than lower_threshold, add proxy """ conn = RedisClient() adder = PoolAdder(upper_threshold) while True: if conn.queue_len < lower_threshold: adder.add_to_queue() time.sleep(cycle) def run(self): print('Ip processing running') valid_process = Process(target=Schedule.valid_proxy) check_process = Process(target=Schedule.check_pool) valid_process.start() check_process.start()
(3-5)proxypool/db.py #Redis数据库连接模块
import redis from proxypool.error import PoolEmptyError from proxypool.setting import HOST, PORT, PASSWORD class RedisClient(object): def __init__(self, host=HOST, port=PORT): if PASSWORD: self._db = redis.Redis(host=host, port=port, password=PASSWORD) else: #注:我的redis数据库没有设置密码 self._db = redis.Redis(host=host, port=port) def get(self, count=1): """ get proxies from redis """ proxies = self._db.lrange("proxies", 0, count - 1) self._db.ltrim("proxies", count, -1) return proxies def put(self, proxy): #将代理放到右侧 """ add proxy to right top """ self._db.rpush("proxies", proxy) def pop(self): #api从右侧拿出代理 【右侧的都是最新的代理】 """ get proxy from right. """ try: return self._db.rpop("proxies").decode('utf-8') except: raise PoolEmptyError @property def queue_len(self): """ get length from queue. """ return self._db.llen("proxies") def flush(self): """ flush db """ self._db.flushall() if __name__ == '__main__': conn = RedisClient() print(conn.pop())
(3-6)proxypool/error.py #异常模块
class ResourceDepletionError(Exception): def __init__(self): Exception.__init__(self) def __str__(self): return repr('The proxy source is exhausted') class PoolEmptyError(Exception): def __init__(self): Exception.__init__(self) def __str__(self): return repr('The proxy pool is empty')
(3-7)proxypool/api.py #API模块,启动一个Web服务器,使用Flask实现:对外提供代理的获取能力
from flask import Flask, g from .db import RedisClient __all__ = ['app'] app = Flask(__name__) def get_conn(): """ Opens a new redis connection if there is none yet for the current application context. """ if not hasattr(g, 'redis_client'): g.redis_client = RedisClient() return g.redis_client @app.route('/') def index(): return '<h2>Welcome to Proxy Pool System</h2>' @app.route('/get') def get_proxy(): """ Get a proxy """ conn = get_conn() return conn.pop() @app.route('/count') def get_counts(): """ Get the count of proxies """ conn = get_conn() return str(conn.queue_len) if __name__ == '__main__': app.run()
(3-8)proxypool/utils.py #工具箱
import requests import asyncio import aiohttp from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError from fake_useragent import UserAgent,FakeUserAgentError import random def get_page(url, options={}): try: ua = UserAgent() except FakeUserAgentError: pass base_headers = { 'User-Agent': ua.random, 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, sdch', 'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.8' } headers = dict(base_headers, **options) print('Getting', url) try: r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) print('Getting result', url, r.status_code) if r.status_code == 200: return r.text except ConnectionError: print('Crawling Failed', url) return None class Downloader(object): """ 一个异步下载器,可以对代理源异步抓取,但是容易被BAN。 """ def __init__(self, urls): self.urls = urls self._htmls = [] async def download_single_page(self, url): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url) as resp: self._htmls.append(await resp.text()) def download(self): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() tasks = [self.download_single_page(url) for url in self.urls] loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)) @property def htmls(self): self.download() return self._htmls
(3-9)proxypool/settings.py #设置
# Redis数据库的地址和端口 HOST = 'localhost' PORT = 6379 # 如果Redis有密码,则添加这句密码,否则设置为None或'' PASSWORD = '' # 获得代理测试时间界限 get_proxy_timeout = 9 # 代理池数量界限 POOL_LOWER_THRESHOLD = 20 POOL_UPPER_THRESHOLD = 100 # 检查周期 VALID_CHECK_CYCLE = 60 POOL_LEN_CHECK_CYCLE = 20 # 测试API,用百度来测试 TEST_API='http://www.baidu.com'