I have a file helper.RData file in my inst/extdata that contains variables and datasets to be used by the functions in my package, but not meant to be accessed by the user.
I load it at the beginning of the package using:
load(system.file("extdata","helper.RData", package = "mypackage"))
As the file is big this takes quite a bit of time and it is especially annoying
during development (I use quite a loot the function load_all()
from the devtools
I would rather prefer to have it lazy loaded so that the file is loaded only when actually needed.
How can I do that?
Before being able to lazy-load your data you have to save your variables in a database that supports lazy load.
You can do this using the function tools:::makeLazyLoadDB
and later the function lazyLoad
To create the lazy load database. Say you have the variables X and Y, the you have to create an environment that contains them:
e$X = X
e$Y = Y
next you create the database:
of course you can change DBNAME
You can the import it in R using lazyLoad("DBNAME")