When I click on a Button
, I go to payment page. There I can see 3 back Button
- the usual one at the bottom
- the one in the
- the one inside the
Clicking on the 1 and 2 is working fine but clicking on 3 doesn't take me back or doesn't cancel the transaction.
Yet this is not the full story. When I select on Cards it takes me to the respective page where I enter the card details. Then when I click on 3, it comes back to the main page(selecting type of payment viz., card, netbanking, UPI, etc). Working fine. Makes sense. If I click on 1 or 2, it cancels the transaction instead of coming back to the main page. No problem in this. Works fine.
When I click on Net Banking, it takes me to the respective page where I can see the list of banks. And when I click on 3, it takes me back to the main page. But from the main page when I click on 3, it doesn't cancel the transaction. This is my problem. When I searched in other places, the UI is completely different. So i am unable to figure out the solution for my problem. I have not worked in payment before. So I came here. Thanks in advance. If more information is needed, please mention in comment.
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