iPhone send email not using MessageUI

半腔热情 提交于 2019-11-27 20:20:10

It is possible to use MFMailComposeViewController without user interaction. This technique obviously relies on undocumented APIs, so it may break anytime. Also, it wouldn't be a good idea to submit an app doing this to the App Store…

- (void) sendStealthEmail
    MFMailComposeViewController *mailComposeViewController = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
    mailComposeViewController.mailComposeDelegate = self;
    [mailComposeViewController setToRecipients:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"matt@harasymczuk.pl"]];
    [mailComposeViewController setSubject:@"Stealth email"];
    [mailComposeViewController setMessageBody:@"Pwned" isHTML:NO];
    [mailComposeViewController view];

- (void) mailComposeController:(MFMailComposeViewController*)mailComposeViewController bodyFinishedLoadingWithResult:(NSInteger)result error:(NSError*)error
        id mailComposeController = [mailComposeViewController valueForKeyPath:@"internal.mailComposeController"];
        id sendButtonItem = [mailComposeViewController valueForKeyPath:@"internal.mailComposeView.sendButtonItem"];
        [mailComposeController performSelector:@selector(send:) withObject:sendButtonItem];
    @catch (NSException *e) {}
    [mailComposeViewController release];

MFMailComposeViewController is the class that is provided by Apple to send mails.

If you don't want to use the composer you have to write your own smtp client. (It could be php, .net, java or any other technolgy). You can also try skpsmtpmessage
