Alternatives to weak linking in iPhone SDK?

半腔热情 提交于 2019-11-27 19:56:27

You should be weak linking against the new frameworks. Alongside that you should be checking the availability of new APIs using methods like NSClassFromString, respondsToSelector, instancesRespondToSelector etc.

Eg. Weak linking against MessageUI.framework (an old example, but still relevant)

First check if the MFMailComposerController class exists:

Class mailComposerClass = NSClassFromString(@"MFMailComposerController");
if (mailComposerClass != nil)
    // class exists, you can use it
    // class doesn't exist, work around for older OS

If you need to use new constants, types or functions, you can do something like:

if (&UIApplicationWillEnterBackgroundNotification != nil)
    // go ahead and use it

If you need to know if you can use anew methods on an already existing class, you can do:

if ([existingInstance respondsToSelector:@selector(someSelector)])
    // method exists

And so on. Hope this helps.
