
PID feedback & Position Controller with DC motor/encoder

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-14 02:03:07
问题 I'm having a hard time getting both PID feedback and positioning to run at the same time. My thought to calculate the RPM is to: start a timer and count encoder pulses using an interrupt. use some simple math to convert to RPM. reset variables used and start over. I can calculate RPM but then I can only call my PID controller after the calculation (however long I want to wait to get good resolution.) This results in very messy code. Is there a simpler method or something I'm missing? Info

controlling two dc motors and servo with arduino code

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-13 01:26:03
问题 The code does not seem to be working but I have also just started learning how to code arduino. I'm trying to run two dc motors and one servo as steering for a robot car. How should I wright it so it works. All I'm trying to do is use two motors to drive the car forward and the servo to provide direction for the car. How can I improve this code? #include <Servo.h> int servoRightPin = 2; int servoLeftPin = 3; int servoDirPin = 4; Servo servoRight; Servo servoLeft; Servo servoDir; void turnLeft

How to hide _id from Aggregation?

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-04 15:39:17
问题 I've this query: produits = yield motor.Op(db.users.aggregate, [{"$unwind":"$pup"},{"$match":{"":nomp}}, {"$group":{"_id":"$","pup":{"$push":"$pup"}}}]) which gives me this result: print produits {u'ok': 1.0, u'result': [{u'_id': None, u'pup': [{u'avt': {u'fto': ..all the results}}]}]} so I can do: prod = produits["result"] [{u'_id': None, u'pup': [{u'avt': {u'fto': ..all the results}}]}] but how can I hide "_id" so that I can only get: [{u'pup': [{u'avt': {u'fto': ..all

How to hide _id from Aggregation?

流过昼夜 提交于 2019-12-03 22:24:48
I've this query: produits = yield motor.Op(db.users.aggregate, [{"$unwind":"$pup"},{"$match":{"":nomp}}, {"$group":{"_id":"$","pup":{"$push":"$pup"}}}]) which gives me this result: print produits {u'ok': 1.0, u'result': [{u'_id': None, u'pup': [{u'avt': {u'fto': ..all the results}}]}]} so I can do: prod = produits["result"] [{u'_id': None, u'pup': [{u'avt': {u'fto': ..all the results}}]}] but how can I hide "_id" so that I can only get: [{u'pup': [{u'avt': {u'fto': ..all the results}}]}] in a normal query I would simply add something like {"_id":0} but here it doesn't

Arduino stepper motor control with Simulink

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-02 08:56:49
问题 Hi Im quite new in Arduino and electronics so bear with me. I have a project to control a step motor using Matlab and Simulink. For now I just want to get the thing up and running. I have hooked up the schematic tested it with a simple code for a step motor and it works (this has been done without Matlab). My problem is how can i get the motor to run using Simulink and Matlab? When i try to Run the Simulink model i get this My step motor driver board is ULN2003APG and my motor is . I have

Arduino stepper motor control with Simulink

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-02 06:28:32
Hi Im quite new in Arduino and electronics so bear with me. I have a project to control a step motor using Matlab and Simulink. For now I just want to get the thing up and running. I have hooked up the schematic tested it with a simple code for a step motor and it works (this has been done without Matlab). My problem is how can i get the motor to run using Simulink and Matlab? When i try to Run the Simulink model i get this My step motor driver board is ULN2003APG and my motor is . I have downloaded the Arduino Hardware Support Package for Matlab and have already uploaded the server program to